Rebeckah said from another site
Gail Howard suggests 1/2, but from my experience of having all 6 winning #s picked, but not getting them in a winning combo together, I say she's wrong. But she's interested in selling software, and correct # selection & lower prize wins *show* her stuff works. But it's not giving you what you really want.
If you're a system player & your techniques for # selection are good, you should be able {over time) to keep reducing your # selection group while increasing the amount of #s you get right. Until you win.... that's the THEORY, & we all know real life & theory are mostly dissimilar.
You're kidding me. All this time I have been honing WINHunter stacks to produce as few numbers as possible in order to show wins, when I am already at the heels of the big software/book Giant herself?
Perhaps we need to challenge all the other software out there, and see what we all get!! Wheels are great, but whohooo, so what if you have a guarenteed 3if6in26 (IMHO!!)
I agree with Rebeckah here, up to a point. This is where software that can trend (as best as possible at this point in project development) will be the key to more consistent wins.
It's time WINHunter got with the program and started to DIS' some of those other softwares that are out there!