How quik piks are generated.


Wondering how the quik pik generating system would work.
I mean Ive got a buddy who purchased a quik pik and all 6 numbers were sequential,you know like 20,21,22 etc.You know given the odds that these numbers will Never come up in real life.How do they draw numbers anymore.,..cant remember seeing a draw for years


Poorboy said:
Wondering how the quik pik generating system would work.
I mean Ive got a buddy who purchased a quik pik and all 6 numbers were sequential,you know like 20,21,22 etc.You know given the odds that these numbers will Never come up in real life.How do they draw numbers anymore.,..cant remember seeing a draw for years

This is when they are drawn..

Go here for some more info



Last year I bought two 10-line tickets for two different lotteries. Both tickets are quick picks, says so right on them. Both tickets are exactly the same, line for line. All ten lines on one quick pick for one lottery are exactly the same as all ten lines on the other quick pick for the other lottery - number for number, line for line. Only the encore and the ticket serial numbers were different. Beat that one.

I still have the tickets and can take a snapshot of them with my digital camera if it is beyond belief.

Actually, here we go. Yahoo photo album came in handy.

See the tickets here.

Hope that works. Photo is a bit fuzzy on right ticket, but I can take another one if you want.
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Maybe I'm wrong, but, I always thought the same numbers were generated for both lotteries when you chose to play both on the selection slip. The only way the numbers would be different is if you played 2 slips. I don't know for sure, but, that's what I thought. :)

Like that photo album idea. :)


Maggie, there was no slip involved. This was just me telling the clerk to give me 10 quick picks on one, then after that to give me ten quick picks on the other lottery. There must have been a few seconds between him listening to me again and pressing the buttons for the other tickets to generate.


Wow, that's a first. Never heard of anything like that happening before. :)
Makes you wonder...


I just realized too, if it was a slip involved, then both lotteries would be on the same ticket. So no, wasn't a slip as you see. :)


I say that he probally did the both lotteries at the same time and then when you asked for the other lottery he gave you those numbers as well... He probably would just have voided it but you asked for the same amount in that other game...

I can't see how it would have happened otherwise...I guess you never won cause you still have those tickets?:D



No I did not win, you are right Sheba.

Your explanation does not make any logical sense though. Why would he punch in the other lottery "just in case I want to play it"? That other lottery was not a lottery I play regularly and that was a gas station which I buy tickets from regularly and practically never buy the other lottery. At the time, I just wanted to round off my gas purchase and the additional quick picks did the job. Also, if you notice by my previous post, I did mention that he did each ticket in precise sequence, only after I asked for it, he did not have anything pre-programmed or pre-pressed.

All in all, I just thought I would share something extraordinary here. I did mention before that it may be beyond belief. Thank you for proving that part of my post right, Sheba. :)


shirazbai said:
I just realized too, if it was a slip involved, then both lotteries would be on the same ticket. So no, wasn't a slip as you see. :)
That is very very weird :hair: and as Maggie said - makes you wonder about these QPiks :dizzy: :dizzy:

Keep those tickets :agree: I would email OLGC and ask for an explanation. That shouldn't happen :no:


Maggie said:
You never know, lotto corp might pay you off for in silence money. :)

Actually I did email CNN, trying to get my 15 minutes of fame, but they did not show any interest. I figured that the lottery corporation was a lost cause then too. See, I did try to squeeze some cents out of them tickets. :)
shirazbai said:
Actually I did email CNN, trying to get my 15 minutes of fame, but they did not show any interest. I figured that the lottery corporation was a lost cause then too. See, I did try to squeeze some cents out of them tickets. :)
Sell your story to newspapers around the country...I bet the Lottocorp would then pay you to get these back and to repair their mistake... :agree:


Nah, not CNN, try the CBC..might get a few minutes there.

W5 would be perfect..who, what, when, where and why. :)
Maggie said:
Nah, not CNN, try the CBC..might get a few minutes there.

W5 would be perfect..who, what, when, where and why. :)
Actually many more people might come forward with a similar story to tell....This is how reliable these quick picks are...even worse than I thought..Really makes you wonder :rolleyes:

