thornc said:
Hello Nick,
A really nice piece of software, like your other programs... you have to start thinking on coding them as independent programs, Excell is to expensive!
Anyway, I've been zaping through it... and here are some comments requests:
1) That history holder is a pain, had a difficult time setting it for my history...
2) Updating once you have the history in place is easy thanks to that automatic date calculation!
3) Can you explain the several fields in the Trivial Report?
DrID Numbers Sum Avg SD SB OE "05 49" 0123456789 123 EN Rg Co Re Deca Ms
The first are obvious but the others...
4) The visual report is a difficult to see, specially if you have 90 numbers like me!
Thank for your comments.
>>A really nice piece of software, like your other programs... you have to start thinking on coding them as independent programs, Excell is to expensive!
I agree but is bital software for testing
and easy visualization of data.
>>1) That history holder is a pain, had a difficult time setting it for my history...
An easy way is to open your history file
with Excel and keep the fields you require. Then paste these fildes to the
Database Sheet and click "Save Database" after you give it a neme.
The Fields are:
Sum: The sum of digits
Avg: The average of the digits
SD: Standard Deviation
SB: Small & Big
OE: Odd & Even
"05 49": Ending in "0-4" & "5-9"
0123456789: Ending in...
123:Appear Once, Twice, 3times Ending
EN: Ending >=2
Rg: Range of numbers
Co: Consecutives
Re:Repeats from last draw
Deca: Decades
Ms: Missing Decades
>>4) The visual report is a difficult to see, specially if you have 90 numbers like me!
I can provide a tool to zoom-in/out
so that the output screen can be totaly seen in one page.
Can you provide me with a sample of your history file?
If so I'll test some other forms of output for that procedure.
I like to know what other infirmation you would like to see on a report.
Some ideas that I have are:
1. Frequency Distribution
2. Best Performing Set
3. Group of Numbers analysis
4. Announcers
What else is vital to know as of Statistics?
Thanks for your input.