Help with excel spreadsheet (database)


Hello Guys,

This is my first post... I hope that someone can help me (if understand my english lol).. Well guys, I'm from Mexico and here the lottery name is Melate (6/56 system plus the aditional numer).. I have some time playing and I made a spreadsheet with 403 results.

I trying with differents formulas, but I think that I need another ones..... maybe the problem is that I'm newby....

I really appreciate your help... if is necesary I can upload the Excel file...

Kind Regards



Hi Nelson, and welcome to the Forum :agree: :thumb: .

nelsonfr said:
I'm from Mexico and here the lottery name is Melate (6/56 system plus the aditional number). I have some time playing and I made a spreadsheet with 403 results.

I trying with different formulas, but I think that I need another ones.

I really appreciate your help, if necessary I can upload the Excel file.
What exactly are you trying to calculate that you are having difficulty with?

Please upload your SpreadSheet so we can see what you have so far. A lot of people here use MediaFire, which is a FREE cloud based storage system. You simply join for FREE, upload your SpreadSheet from your computer and post the link for us to download your file.

Also, could you add Mexico to your profile, it will help when people read your posts as to what Lotto you are playing as well as it is always nice to see where people are from.

Good luck and enjoy the Forum!


12:45, restate my assumptions.
(1) Mathematics is the language of nature.
(2) Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
(3) If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns, everywhere in nature.


Hi Pab,

I really appreciate your help. Maybe like to the other ones I'm trying to find the angular stone to win the lottery lol..

You can find the file in: URL

Here I would like to now how interpret the last numbers to calculate the probability and pick the future numbers....

Pab, thanks again.



Hi Nelson,

I have downloaded and had a quick look at your SpreadSheet.

(1) I don't understand the reason why you are using the + sign at the beginning of your formulas, they are NOT needed and could possibly cause an error of calculation to occur when calculating certain sequences of operators within your formulas!

(2) In column J, there is no need for them to be Array formulas.

(3) A lot of the data in the SpreadSheet are values only without any formulas, so I don't know how those are calculated or what criteria is being used.

(4) What is the logic for you generating the Random Numbers in the second sheet, because it doesn't seem to be producing anything useful?
For example, in columns B & C you have the number 51, which if I understand it correctly, the maximum value can only be 50?

I think the best thing to do for now is for you to tell us what it is EXACTLY that you want to calculate and maybe we can come up with a solution for you using your SpreadSheet data.
We could then take it from there.

I hope this helps!


12:45, restate my assumptions.
(1) Mathematics is the language of nature.
(2) Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
(3) If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns, everywhere in nature.


Hi Nelson,

Did you have any luck with sorting this out?


12:45, restate my assumptions.
(1) Mathematics is the language of nature.
(2) Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
(3) If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns, everywhere in nature.

