Have I done something wrong?


In this Thread, I feel I'm being accused of not being fair and straight in my behaviour here!

My defense is this Post there!

I want to know if I did something wrong? Or worse if did something that led others to believe I did something wrong?


No need


There is no need to jump to conclusions here. We are all here for the same reason. WE all want to win the jackpot.

I too, share your slight frustration with strategy discussion. But, in defense of every potential software user, and all the users here, alot of folks just dont understand most of what the core users here talk about. All most people want is an easy to use tool that will spit out winning numbers. You know as well as I do that such a tool does not exist. And I dont blame them for wanting something easy and quick, most everywhere you go everything is fast and easy, and most of the time it is done for you.

WINHunter came onto the scene because I wanted my own way of organizing the tools however I wanted to. I didnt see ANY software that existed that would allow you to do what I wanted to do.

After two years of tinkering, and releasing a few versions, I happened upon this site. The members here are very friendly, and always give me positive feedback, and so far tolerate the development cycle of WINHunter (Thanks guys & gals!!). As I am sure you have already noticed, there is a core group of members that frequent the boards here. Those are the tried and true members who are dedicated to this board, and are dedicated to their passion, predicting the lottery. For me, as I am sure it is for them, it is simply the love of the challenge, with the potential benefit of a jackpot win!

So, do as I do, and don't take what seems to be a personal comment in a reply. The true members here NEVER have anything rude to say. IF they do, then I just assume they are having a bad lottery day! ;)

Actually, I love to discuss strategies, but as Dennis mentioned "Most of them are posted somewhere on this board", most strategies have been discussed already. You may, or may not get much discussion out of the other 1000+ members on the site, but I can almost guarentee that a few of the Regulars will post something.....

In a nutshell..... Make yourself a cup of coffee and kick back. We all get along here!


P.S. - I said all of that to say, "You did nothing wrong, so dont think someone was trying to imply you did." :D


thornc, I don't believe you have done anything wrong here, on the contrary your contributions are welcome.

Many ideas and strategies have evolved over the years at this site and others as well. The discussions have been open and candid and have yielded some unique software opportunities not seen elsewhere. Unfortunately, there have been occasions where ideas have been exploited, by creating software, and credit falsely assumed by the author. While it may be impossible to say who the originator is/was since no one copyrighted the idea at the time, indeed, the ideas may have been developed long before, it raised awareness about the openness of the discussions - in my mind anyway.

At this site, we have had a tremendous increase in membership, due, in part, I believe, to the posting of links to this site at other popular lotto boards. I have noticed a few of the new member's profiles as software developers, software analysts, in fact, you are a good example of this.

While I am not opposed to software people coming to the site and making a contribution, in fact, we have an ongoing project here with Andrew's WinHunter development, which is currently an opensource, free product, I am a little concerned about ideas, whose genesis was this site, ending up in software being sold without the appropriate credit.

Most of the stuff here, hot/cold, hit/skip, last digit, last number, root sum, odd/even, decades, repeaters, consecutives etc etc has been done - I'm not worried about that. But, there are other strategies that I have not seen elsewhere. Perhaps I'm ignorant.

thornc, I have seen some of your discussions elsewhere and know that you are a good player interested in lotto strategies.
I look forward to your contributions here. :):agree2:
I'm going to visit the dentist now:sick: ....but I'll post again later and I think that what Beaker talks about is a crystal clear reflection of my thinking... :agree:



must say that I agree with the above posts, just want to add a few things...

I lurked around this board for more than a year before starting to post, at first feeling lost since I did not understand the lingo used by the regulars. I started asking questions and must say I have never been shut out ... didn't always get the answer right away, or the answer I was looking for, but that's ok, ppl either didn't see my post, were too busy elsewhere or took time to formulate their response to fit my apparent skill level ... I'm not a programmer or a mathematician, and that soon became obvious ... have learned much, still learning.

What I like to do occasionally is to go back through the old posts as one can find a wealth of info there, and find answers or ideas that way, possibly bring the old post to the front to ask the originator to explain or expand further. Sometimes a discussion will follow and other members will jump in with their thoughts.

But one of the best features of this board is that most ppl don't seem to take themselves too seriously and don't mind having fun or teasing each other (also they tolerate my warped sense of humour, which I tend to use as way to release frustration when the numbers overwhelm). Often they have me in stitches with their retorts ...

So don't for even a minute think that your ideas here are not welcome here. A fresh pair of eyes is just what we need here to possibly see things that were missed, to put a twist on that old strategy to better the horrendous odds we're facing. I for one sure hope you stick around since you seem to have skills and desire to do just that ... jump in and stir it up, so what if a few feathers get ruffled at first? Things have a way of balancing out in the long run :) .



Start on wrong foot

It isnt hard to think you are getting started on the wrong foot.

I myself thought the same thing with these threads here:



From my personal experience. it is VERY difficult at best to interperet a person's tone of voice from text. You have no idea how many times I mis-interperet an email from my wife!!

If you think any of us are being harsh, just re-read it again, as if we told a joke... LOL

I try to take everything that is said here with a grain of salt. WE all mean well. And as others have said before, WELCOME ABOARD!!



Yes Andrew, as you are aware, we relentlessly attack spammers, mlm artists, affiliates, etc. and occasionally software peddlers Your approach was good - contact the webmaster before you advertise! - you might get lucky


Careful, Big Brother is Watching !!

Have not used this feature bfr ... "WHO'S ONLINE" ... very scary, look:

barge Viewing Thread Basics 12:39 PM

Brad Viewing Who's Online 12:45 PM

ComboManiac Replying to Thread Feb 8 Prov Picks/discussion 12:43 PM

Dennis Bassboss Viewing Thread Have I done something wrong? 12:37 PM

joseph Viewing Thread Should AI do that ? 12:44 PM

Rebeckah Viewing Thread RNG Thingy 12:44 PM

westy Viewing Forum Notices & Announcements 12:36 PM

Guest Viewing Forum Lotto Wheels 12:46 PM
Guest Viewing Profile of a Forum Member 12:46 PM
Guest Viewing Forum Win Hunter - Lotto Freeware 12:33 PM
Guest Registering... 12:32 PM
Guest Lotto 649 Web Site Lottery Players Club Main Index 12:33 PM
Guest Lotto 649 Web Site Lottery Players Club Main Index 12:39 PM
Guest Lotto 649 Web Site Lottery Players Club Main Index 12:46 PM

... like I said bfr, learn something new ... but if this keeps up I'll have to start wearing pants when on-line ! :blush:


I look at "Who's Online" all the time :blush: - Just don't start threads like "dangling from his pants" or " that hangs on the girl next door" or "his wife cut with her scissors" - You'll get a big surprise.:lol:


I happened to arrive to this forum because of winhunter, I decided to stay because of everything else!
Too bad I don't drink coffee,a complete heresy for a Portugueese!

First think I state in my profile that I'm a System's Engineer, not a sofware engineer! I basically make systems work with each other... most of these systems are related to underwater acoustics data acquisition! And where have you seen my posts, other than here and Saliu site(s) I never posted about lottery anywhere else!

Hope you're in one piece, no parts missing! :heul:
Hope to have you say in this also!

I took around 2 months(not 3/4) before I started posting for the same reason!

I did try to look at some of those older posts... problem is that most of them are gone, and the others I can't seem to find! It's hard when you only have dial-up!
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thornc said:
I happened to arrive to this forum because of winhunter, I decided to stay because of everything else!
Too bad I don't drink coffee,a complete heresy for a Portugueese!

First think I state in my profile that I'm a System's Engineer, not a sofware engineer! I basically make systems work with each other... most of these systems are related to underwater acoustics data acquisition! And where have you seen my posts, other than here and Saliu site(s) I never posted about lottery anywhere else!

Hope you're in one piece, no parts missing! :heul:
Hope to have you say in this also!

I took around 3/4 month before I started posting for the same reason!

I did try to look at some of those older posts... problem is that most of them are gone, and the others I can't seem to find! It's hard when you only have dial-up!
Don't worry thornc I'm a bit groggy but O:K:...Just a filling that broke loose....but that stuff that these dentists give you geeeeezzz...I'm feeling my mouth like if I had swallowed that cow while it's alive....Anyway I just wanted to say that my post from yesterday was not aiming at anybody in perticiliar...It was just a general statement...I was kind of surprize to see what turmoil it brought on the board...Well I guess only Dennis can drives people crazy like that!!:lol:
Actually Thornc ...I'm looking forward for your post ...so just stick around!


First think I state in my profile that I'm a System's Engineer, not a sofware engineer! I basically make systems work with each other... most of these systems are related to underwater acoustics data acquisition! And where have you seen my posts, other than here and Saliu site(s) I never posted about lottery anywhere else!>>
That person has at least 2 sites that I have seen - I have seen you post at what I would call the newer one.


Beaker said:
That person has at least 2 sites that I have seen - I have seen you post at what I would call the newer one.
That one is almost gone also!!! He is having serious problems with his computer and forums.... :confused:


thornc said:
I did try to look at some of those older posts... problem is that most of them are gone, and the others I can't seem to find! It's hard when you only have dial-up!

hmmm. I have dial up & haven't had any problems with reading the archives. If you look at the bottom of the page there are drop down menus where you can select to see all threads from the begining, etc. Try that & see if it helps? :)


'Search' within the site works well also ... I can sympathise with dial-up headaches from some areas, mine was frustrating too , cable is much better here.


Yap, I used the seach... but some times I don't know which words to use...different lingo/jargon!

And my dial-up s**** big time! I get disconnected very often, and it's very slow most of the times!!

Someday, when I move, I'll get broadband for sure!! And a good firewall to go with it :) :uzi: :gunfire:

