Nick Koutras
Presently this function, as it stands, does not give enough information to be of a great help.
The potential output can be dramatically change and provide the user with by far more
valuable information.
So, I'm collection some input, as of to what info the user may consider important to include
and display on the screen under this new function.
Most of the ideas come from the discussions, on this forum.
When someone says, that for the next draw, he likes lets say numbers: 01,15,23
What information he/she would like to know so that we can arrive to a better conclusion about these numbers?
Some thoughts are:
1)...with which single numbers these numbers come together.
2)...with which pairs these numbers come together
3)...with which triplets these numbers come together.
You can add your requirements to this post...
The potential output can be dramatically change and provide the user with by far more
valuable information.
So, I'm collection some input, as of to what info the user may consider important to include
and display on the screen under this new function.
Most of the ideas come from the discussions, on this forum.
When someone says, that for the next draw, he likes lets say numbers: 01,15,23
What information he/she would like to know so that we can arrive to a better conclusion about these numbers?
Some thoughts are:
1)...with which single numbers these numbers come together.
2)...with which pairs these numbers come together
3)...with which triplets these numbers come together.
You can add your requirements to this post...