just before noon saturday, and i have not yet looked at your stats, will do that later today, here is what i've got so far:
played 80 boards but couldn't find anything i really liked, so i played 8 boards with 12, 18, 35 DN's, 8 boards with 2 or 3 of 10, 20, 30,,,,,then filled in randomly after that.......for the rest of the boards i listed the numbers drawn in the last 8 draws, and then combined them randomly.....for 8 of those boards i used only numbers LD below 6, and drawn in the last 5 draws........
what a mess
i tried looking at my x,y graph, squinting my eyes, and looking for a pattern, and all i got was a swat on the nose from sybil cat who, incidentally, scratched the top of my x,y paper chart for super-7 yesterday ( she likes playing with the tip of the pencil protruding from it) and put a hole through the " 15 "......i played 13 as a DN, and got 4/7........had i listened to the cat, i would have had 5/7...........my next project in life will be to breed cats so that they will have opposing digits......then they can play with their own pencils........
back later with more numbers based on the Dennis Bassboss systems...........

.........Pilsner Urquell