Godload said:
Nice picking Beaker, how do you choose those dn's, also what program do you use Beaker.
Something I see with this lotto - 1/2 the numbers or more have skipped 0/1/2 (1/2/3 for you ppl who count the other way) so just look at those as your set. Other skips appear but they aren't as easy to hit although, you may get one or two long shots and usually there aren't many of those.
Did something a little different this time.
I looked at the 6 and 7 number announcers and from those picked the top 6 from 0-skip, 5 from 1-skip and 4 from 2-skip. for a total of 15 numbers. The DN's came from the top 7 announcers from that set of 15.

Turned out to be 5 0-skips, 1 1-skip and 1 2-skip.
Nothing special SW wise Godload

I have modified my own software for these keno draws - announcers, hit/skip, pairs/triples and I use Nick's LottoStats also - thanks Nick

I'm going to rewite one more thing I have because it may help alot.
Announcers is very useful for this lotto

and I think with some more work this can be improved
So many good players here we should be able to crack this one wide open