Winhunter questions
Seems a few have questions regarding WINHunter... (hmmmmm)
I know the big question tends to be, "What are the best settings for producing a big WIN!"
Unfortunately, there are alot of answers to that one, most of those are questions themselves, like:
'It depends on what lottery you are playing.'
'How familiar are you with WINHunter itself?'
'Have you been able to win big with any other applications/software?'
'It depends on what mood your in, and when you build a stack.'
'It depends on the stack design.'
'It depends on what processors/selectors/triggers are available when you design your stack.'
so, it boils down to...
'It depends...' AND 'How bad do you want to win?'
*removed link to winhunter's sourceforge monthly site statistics*
*removed by Andrew (opps)*
Judging from the site statistics, WINHunter is slowly gaining some interest, without any stimulation/project activity on my part.
Perhaps WINHunter needs it's own FAQ, as thornc suggested! A compilation of past posts regarding WINHunter.... IDEAS?