

I think it's about time we start a FAQ for this site....

There are some questions that keep on being asked!

Perhaps LT could then add a thread at the top of each forum, point to the FAQ and to the forum rules.....

Any comments, ideas and question/answer suggestions?


I'll start!

Q: What does this .... mean?

Check the Lottery Glossary link at the bottom of each page!

Q: What numbers do you think you hit next?
Q: What numbers should I play?

A: Check the lotto forum related to the game you are playing, usually there are pick and best bet threads there!
A: The ones you think are best!

Q: Has anyone tried this strategy?
Q: Has anyone tried this software?

A: Use the search button, most times someone has already discussed it. If not pose the question on the correct forum!
A: Have you tried it? What were the results? Do you want to share them?


thornc said:
I'll start!

Q: What does this .... mean?

Check the Lottery Glossary link at the bottom of each page!

Q: What numbers do you think you hit next?
Q: What numbers should I play?

A: Check the lotto forum related to the game you are playing, usually there are pick and best bet threads there!
A: The ones you think are best!

Q: Has anyone tried this strategy?
Q: Has anyone tried this software?

A: Use the search button, most times someone has already discussed it. If not pose the question on the correct forum!
A: Have you tried it? What were the results? Do you want to share them?

Excellent idea thornc !

I myself have several questions to ask, mainly about Winhunter, but I did not want to look as if I'm bombing LT and Andrew, or look like I'm taking the floor.

Excellent thornc ! Excellent !



That is a great idea thornc !

If everyone could continue to place Q and A s here in the thread then when done I'll make up an FAQ list.

Thanks again thornc. :agree2:


Perhaps you can start a thread on the WinHunter forums... this should be a very general faq! Off course if there are very frequent questions about WH then we can add them to the FAQ

And I'm certain that Andrew and the rest of us, won't mind if you ask good pertinent questions!
But like I said, have you tried searching the WH foruns for your doubs?
I had a lot of questions at the beginning and reading there was what helped me

Babarlish said:
I myself have several questions to ask, mainly about Winhunter, but I did not want to look as if I'm bombing LT and Andrew, or look like I'm taking the floor.


Q: Can you give me the numbers that you think will hit in .... ?

R: NO... no one can!
R: If I knew them I wouldn't give them away!


peter said:
Thornc, I'm going to start a thread entitled
"Ask really DUMB questions here"
What do you think?

Go ahead Peter, but I really doubt that thread will have many posts... and you can imagine why!! ;)


How About......?

An area for generic questions "for dummies" like the series books related to whatever in the appropriate areas of the lotto and lottery games? There is already a spot for generic "Anything Goes!" and almost one for Winhunter discussions. You may want to broaden this website perhaps, in that direction!?



Winhunter questions

Seems a few have questions regarding WINHunter... (hmmmmm)
I know the big question tends to be, "What are the best settings for producing a big WIN!"

Unfortunately, there are alot of answers to that one, most of those are questions themselves, like:

'It depends on what lottery you are playing.'
'How familiar are you with WINHunter itself?'
'Have you been able to win big with any other applications/software?'
'It depends on what mood your in, and when you build a stack.'
'It depends on the stack design.'
'It depends on what processors/selectors/triggers are available when you design your stack.'

so, it boils down to...
'It depends...' AND 'How bad do you want to win?'

*removed link to winhunter's sourceforge monthly site statistics*
*removed by Andrew (opps)*
Judging from the site statistics, WINHunter is slowly gaining some interest, without any stimulation/project activity on my part.

Perhaps WINHunter needs it's own FAQ, as thornc suggested! A compilation of past posts regarding WINHunter.... IDEAS?


