Excel & Macros.


I must admit that I thought the creation of this particular section would have generated more interest.
I did think that maybe people with a particular Lotto based idea and couldn't quite get their formulas etc to work might post here, especially as there are many members with good Excel & VBA skills willing to help.


12:45, restate my assumptions.
(1) Mathematics is the language of nature.
(2) Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
(3) If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns, everywhere in nature.


hiya PAB, too bad good ol' GillesD no longer is active on the forum eh?

some folks just dabble with spreadsheets, workout some formulas then forget, meanwhile others are wizards working with spreadsheets pretty much everyday.




I agree with Blitzed, I get the impression that a lot of folks that post here are pretty comfortable with Excel, at least for what they are doing, and that some are running sophisticated analyses and writing their own macros.

But I think that there is a second group that have never used Excel at school or for work, who just have no clue of the power of this tool for lottery analysis. They may have ideas about the lottery and be working them out with pencil & paper :eek: or just let the idea drop because they don't know how to tackle it. They probably have Excel because it came pre-loaded on their computer, but may need someone to take them by the hand and lead them in the right direction.

Of course, if they don't ask, they'll never get an answer. :dang:


Hi guys, yes I think you are right.

I know that when I started using Excel, many, many, moons ago now, that I used to make up scenarios just to see if I could do it in Excel, it is a good way to learn and extend your userability.
Yes, it is a shame that GillesD is not around anymore, I miss him as I am sure that a lot of people on this Forum do.

Icewynd said:
But I think that there is a second group that have never used Excel at school or for work, who just have no clue of the power of this tool for lottery analysis. They may have ideas about the lottery and be working them out with pencil & paper :eek: or just let the idea drop because they don't know how to tackle it. They probably have Excel because it came pre-loaded on their computer, but may need someone to take them by the hand and lead them in the right direction.

Of course, if they don't ask, they'll never get an answer. :dang:
If thet don't ask they don't get. I like the :eek: smilie.

I have noticed however, as I am sure you have Icewynd, that the files I have uploaded have been downloaded numerous times. I would have thought that may have inspired questions from people, or at least the odd question asking if x or y could be added for example.


12:45, restate my assumptions.
(1) Mathematics is the language of nature.
(2) Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
(3) If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns, everywhere in nature.


PAB said:
I have noticed however, as I am sure you have Icewynd, that the files I have uploaded have been downloaded numerous times. I would have thought that may have inspired questions from people, or at least the odd question asking if x or y could be added for example.

Yes, I certainly have noticed that!

One explanation may be that the people doing the downloading are not registered as members of the board and therefore they are unable to make a post with their question.

I'm sure you have noticed when you log on that you get a message telling you who is online. Usually it is a few members and 60 or 70 "guests". Perhaps they are not aware that they can obtain a membership by e-mailing LT using the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page. :thumb:


Hi Guys

One explanation may be that the people doing the downloading are not
registered as members of the board and therefore they are unable to make a post
with their question.
I know when I tryed to register it was not a smooth process and I was on the fence thinking that maybe the site was data mining e-mail & information. Most sites you fill out a form and a code is E-mail back to you right away, that did not not work here for me, I really wanted to join so I found the contact info and wrote a letter and got a responce in a few days.

Or it could be that people just want to down load all your hard work and use it and not care to understand the processes at work!

Or they could be flighty like me! get an Idea and run with it and then go gee that's not going to work? ( since there's really no way to get more then 3-4 numbers and even then sporadically)

On that note!
When you guys do your analysis for your next draws, what percentage would you say, you use, that is "Statistical (Historic statistics)" verses "Probability Theory?

All The Best.


Alexafjb said:
On that note!
When you guys do your analysis for your next draws, what percentage would you say, you use, that is "Statistical (Historic statistics)" verses "Probability Theory?

Hmmmmm, that's a tough one to answer because I don't use one or the other as a "pure" approach.

What I do is to develop a full array of historical statistics to help me understand what the possibilities are. Then, I look at the current situation to see what might be probable.

For example, we know that at least one decade will be missing from a 6/49 game about 87% of the time. I follow the skips of the missing decades to see what number of decades are most likely to be missing in the next game -- assuming that the historical pattern of results holds. Then I look at each decade to see which of the Decades might fit the patterns that I have identified.

Right now, in the Ontario 49 game, zero missing decades and one missing decade would appear to be about equally likely. Looking for one missing decade I notice that Decade 2 (20-29) has hit in each of the past 8 games. The skip statistics say that 93% of the time 8 or fewer hits will occur in a streak. So, D2 is a prime candidate to go missing in the next game.

Not sure if I answered your question...


Hi Icewynd

I guess everyone has there ways of going about choosing their games numbers! As PAB will tell you I was stuck on a few different ideas! For the most part it was CSN's and Decade Groups.
What I would really like to know from people that have been at this for a very long time is;
Has there been better success with certain statistical measures then others?
Think of all the possible types of statical measures for a lottery.
Has any one out there ever crunched the numbers for those methods? Even if there is a 0.001 percent better out come from one statistical method over another.
When I first started out using Excel for following a lottery, I had no clue as to what statistics I should include. I've seen many a spreadsheet on the subject and many different idea's or methods, (many I just can't get my mind around) .
So if anyone out there would care to share, I/we would like to know! When you do your comparison, Use the full database of draws for your lottery and maybe the last 10 draw to date would be useful too.
What got me thinking about this is, lately I've been researching pure statistic, You know the kind of stuff that require you to have a few letters after your name!:spiny: Anywho... stuff like Markov Chain & Monte Carlo Theory seems interesting when dealing with total random events and also is being used in a wide variety of disciplines from biology to metallurgy to the stock market, so why not the lottery? I guess it gets down to that one statistical method that is better then all the others that just might work or at the very least get us closer to bigger wins! if not the BIG WIN!
Hey... One can muse, can't one! After all Tag line; "Just Imagine"!


Alexafjb said:
What I would really like to know from people that have been at this for a very long time is;
Has there been better success with certain statistical measures then others?

Sorry, I haven't really done a comparison per se, but just from updating my spreadsheet after every draw it seems that what works today won't work tomorrow and vice versa. One can try to pick numbers, or one can try to read patterns that may emerge, but it is darn hard to defeat randomness. :sad:

Alexafjb said:
What got me thinking about this is, lately I've been researching pure statistic, You know the kind of stuff that require you to have a few letters after your name!:spiny: Anywho... stuff like Markov Chain & Monte Carlo Theory seems interesting when dealing with total random events and also is being used in a wide variety of disciplines from biology to metallurgy to the stock market, so why not the lottery?
This sounds interesting. Do you have anything that looks promising in applying these ideas to the lotto?

Alexafjb said:
Hey... One can muse, can't one! After all Tag line; "Just Imagine"!

That's what keeps us going :lol3:


Hi Icewynd
That’s fine I do the same thing, update draws, look forpatterns to try and make educated guess’s .
My latest method is to graph the CSN’s of Historical draw’s,look for a trend (there usually is) and then correlate that, to the 1 to 49draw frequency, paying particular attention to the first number to be predictedin the next draw. Only so many numbers occupy position one and the pastfrequency of those numbers that occupy position one is what I start with ( BTW ,I’ve read your thread on eliminating 18 numbers and find that extremelyinteresting! ). Anyway, my next step is to take that first number find how manyCSN’s starting with it then try to break that down by correlating it once againwith overall 1-49 number frequency’s, (researching to find an efficient algorithm to do this, (leaning towards “Goodnessof fit” method used to check how well data fits on a trend line graph) but, rightnow I just use best guess number trend analysis, lol :spiny: )
I fixate on CSN’s because I feel that if I can get that onevariable correct, it will get me extremely close to the major win, if not spoton. Unfortunately at the moment, I have to do a lot of manual figuring and I’min the process of retooling my excel spreadsheet(s) to reflect my learningcurve (i.e. ever type of statistical variable known to man! Cause I only wantto do this once more!
Best I’ve done is 4 correct predictions out of the last 69attempts.
Since I started to do a lot of reading or I should saylistening, (using a text reader, if you don’t have one, get one! It makes goingthrough mountains of PDF’s and web pages a breeze . Best software I think I ever bought, once youshake out the Bugs!)
I’m finding that there is a plethora of methods…
Bayesian Analysis, Poisson Method, Markov Chain/Monte CarloMethod(s), Time Series Analysis Theory, Recurrent Event and Renewal Theory andmany, many more.
I’ve learned that the best approach to prediction, is todevelop a very strong understanding of all the possible variables, all thepossible methods of measure of those variables, how to interpret what type of data we are dealing with, as tothe type of method that will be employed to achieve the best predictions.
One benefit out of all research is that I’m starting tounderstand how to read Probability and Statistical Formula Notation’s. It wasjust all Greek to me before! :rolling:
As you have said “it is darn hard to defeat randomness”
Keep sane!
All The Best.


Hello, alexafjb, ok but what you posted above only need to terminations
* Because half already guaranteed 100% sweepstakes to infinity, clear everything up
* I posted for the last digit is 0-9 because half already guaranteed, ok we can
* View as half (initial digit) can give indications of terminations (last ditig)
And vice versa,


Hi Jack & Everyone
Sorry Jack I'm not following what you wrote, are you using a translation program to transpose into English? Or your talking of a system of number generation that I'm Not familiar with. Sorry.
I apologize for the missing spaces in my last post, I wrote it using MS Word and then copied it for upload at the time it read correct, not sure why the board changed it the way it has.

All The Best


Hi Alex,

Alexafjb said:
I apologize for the missing spaces in my last post, I wrote it using MS Word and then copied it for upload and at the time it read correct, not sure why the board changed it the way it has.
It's the way that MS Word has even a New/Blank sheet formatted, these are just general settings or settings that you have modified to your own specifications.
If I am writing a long or data intensive post I just use NotePad, it has no formatting as such other than plain text.
I also include the bolding and italics criteria within NotePad to save time when I am actually going to post.

I hope this helps!


12:45, restate my assumptions.
(1) Mathematics is the language of nature.
(2) Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
(3) If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns, everywhere in nature.


Thank You, I will keep that in mind, and past it through notpad before posting.
I have noticed that at sign in, if you don't check keep me loged in, and you write a long message. That 9 times out of 10 you will have been booted out and if you hit send message "before copying it" you lose it all! I've been flustrated by that a few times!

All The Best.


Hi Alex,

Alexafjb said:
Thank You, I will keep that in mind, and past it through notpad before posting.
I have noticed that at sign in, if you don't check keep me logged in, and you write a long message. That 9 times out of 10 you will have been booted out and if you hit send message "before copying it" you lose it all! I've been flustrated by that a few times!
That's strange, it doesn't work like that for me! :confused:
If I am composing a long message and then hit Submit Reply it just takes me to the login screen, I then login and it posts!!! :confused:


12:45, restate my assumptions.
(1) Mathematics is the language of nature.
(2) Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
(3) If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns, everywhere in nature.



Hmmm, really? Could be I became to flustrated and was not aware! Pretty sure though, that after I reloged in, the post I was working on was gone and it was not posted either. Anyway, that was a while back and I have not been caught with my pants down lately! Just have to remeber the site does not like MS's formating.

All The Best.


Hello alex, yes I am using google, it reverses words, alex, on the post you have posted
Only have to worry about the last digits, because the part of the people of figures already guaranteed


reprint for translation

Hi Jack
Let me see if I can get Google to translate this better for you. Since quite a few words had spaces removed in the original post (My Error) Google may have become confused during the translation! I've also removed the short form CSN. changed it to "Sorted Lexicographic Numbers" This might help also.
“ Hi Icewynd
That’s fine I do the same thing, update draws, look for patterns to try and make educated guesses .
My latest method is to graph the Sorted Lexicographic Numbers of Historical draw’s, look for a trend (there usually is) and then correlate that, to the 1 to 49draw frequency, paying particular attention to the first number to be predicted in the next draw. Only so many numbers occupy position one and the past frequency of those numbers that occupy position one is what I start with ( BTW ,I’ve read your thread on “eliminating 18 numbers” and find that extremely interesting! ). Anyway, my next step is to take that first number find how many Sorted Lexicographic Numbers starting with it then try to break that down by correlating it once again with overall 1-49 number frequency’s, (researching to find an efficient algorithm to do this, (I’m leaning towards “Goodness of fit” method used to check how well data fits on a trend line graph) but, right now I just use best guess number trend analysis, lol )
I fixate on Sorted Lexicographic Numbers because I feel that if I can get that one variable correct, it will get me extremely close to the major win, if not spot-on. Unfortunately at the moment, I have to do a lot of manual figuring and I’m in the process of retooling my excel spreadsheet(s) to reflect my learning curve (i.e. ever type of statistical variable known to man! Cause I only want to do this once more!
Best I’ve done is 4 correct predictions out of the last 69 attempts.
Since I started to do a lot of reading or I should say listening, (using a text reader, if you don’t have one, get one! It makes going through mountains of PDF’s and web pages a breeze . Best software I think I ever bought, once you shake out the Bugs!)
I’m finding that there is a plethora of methods…
Bayesian Analysis, Poisson Method, Markov Chain/Monte Carlo Method(s), Time Series Analysis Theory, Recurrent Event and Renewal Theory and many, many more.
I’ve learned that the best approach to prediction, is to develop a very strong understanding of all the possible variables, all the possible methods of measure of those variables, how to interpret what type of data we are dealing with, as to the type of method that will be employed to achieve the best predictions.
One benefit out of all research is that I’m starting to understand how to read Probability and Statistical Formula Notation’s. It was just all Greek to me before!
As you have said “it is darn hard to defeat randomness”
Keep sane!
All The Best.
Alex. “
Hope this clarified it better


hello alex, ready if you play 49/6 to the front of the numbers (leading digits) is solved, the matrix below formations with 252 hits in 100% in future sweepstakes
So first put the draws in ascending order, then separate
*Example = 01,03,05,12,23,45 = digitoinicial = 000124
*So if the front of the number is guaranteed, just missing the termiançoes
good if you are playing the lottery 49/6 half already hit 100% of any lot, can check the draw can be simulated up will always hit 100%, but initial attention are the digits 0 through 4 garanatido this 100% clear lack wing terminations 9 0a, but the front does not need to worry ok
For the cycles, one filter is numbered lines Within each cycle = example at the moment after you're starting a new line noa 16 numbers in que 16:17 cycles of cycles, you can delete the numbers 30,
Below the matrix always perfect hits half (100% initial digit)
000 044
000 112
000 113
000 114
000 122
000 133
000 223
000 224
000 233
000 234
000 244
000 344
000 444
001 112
001 113
001 133
001 134
001 144
001 222
001 223
001 224
001 233
001 333
001 334
001 344
001 444
002 223
002 224
002 233
002 234
002 244
002 333
002 334
002 444
003 334
003 344
003 444
004 444
011 112
011 113
011 114
011 122
011 123
011 124
011 133
011 134
011 144
011 222
011 223
011 224
011 233
011 234
011 244
011 333
011 334
011 344
011 444
012 222
012 223
012 224
012 233
012 234
012 244
012 333
012 334
012 344
012 444
013 333
013 334
013 344
013 444
014 444
022 222
022 223
022 224
022 233
022 234
022 244
022 333
022 334
022 344
022 444
023 333
023 334
023 344
023 444
024 444
033 333
033 334
033 344
033 444
034 444
044 444
111 233
111 334
114 444
122 344


Hi Alex,

Alex said:
When you guys do your analysis for your next draws, what percentage would you say, you use, that is "Statistical (Historic statistics)" verses "Probability Theory?
I too use Icewynd's theory...

Icewynd said:
For example, we know that at least one decade will be missing from a 6/49 game about 87% of the time. I follow the skips of the missing decades to see what number of decades are most likely to be missing in the next game -- assuming that the historical pattern of results holds. Then I look at each decade to see which of the Decades might fit the patterns that I have identified.
...among many others!

It's difficult to try and narrow down a set of parameters to use when as you know yourself, there are literally HUNDREDS to choose from!
One thing that I use as a constant is to treat ALL the drawn numbers as Single Digits, by this I mean numbers 1-9 as 1-9 and not 01-09. There are a few threads on this forum that address this issue and I myself have discussed it in a couple of them.

How is your CSN & Decade Groups coming along?


12:45, restate my assumptions.
(1) Mathematics is the language of nature.
(2) Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
(3) If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns, everywhere in nature.

