Excel Compatible Software


Is anyone familiar with LuxuriousityOffice 1.0.2 ? It claims it is "... nearly identical software package to Microsoft's Office suite, featuring word processor, spreadsheet ... etc" at a fraction of the cost.

I tripped over the add while searching to purchase MS Excel. Does this fall into the category of 'sounds too good to be true' ?

Would appreciate feedback from ppl who know of or may have tried this sw, specifically if the spread sheet works as well as Excel.
Brad said:
Is anyone familiar with LuxuriousityOffice 1.0.2 ? It claims it is "... nearly identical software package to Microsoft's Office suite, featuring word processor, spreadsheet ... etc" at a fraction of the cost.

I tripped over the add while searching to purchase MS Excel. Does this fall into the category of 'sounds too good to be true' ?

Would appreciate feedback from ppl who know of or may have tried this sw, specifically if the spread sheet works as well as Excel.
I do not know about that one but search the web for open office and you will find a sofware that can do stuff that even the mighty Microsoft suite can't do and it is totally freeware by Sun Microsystems the real inventor and creators of the JAVA script...


Thanks Dennis, this sw is made by the same ppl, Sun Microsystems btw, costs less than 20CAD.


Dennis, got this form Open Office ws: "It opens most major formats such as MS Office almost flawlessly (Macros aren't converted)" ... how would that affect Nick's Excel sheets ?
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Brad said:
Thanks Dennis, I saw the site ... see my edit in my prev post pls.
I don't know for sure? Many patch and many improvement occurred lately for that suite...I'll have to try...All of our schools are using this suite now in order to save money from licensing...(It is free) But I haven't try to import any macro created by excell ...I will try this the minute that I'll have a chance...I can't put that one in my computer because I am running 4 differents word processor suite already...and I have 3 different versions of Atlantis one that I am beta testing for presently....


FYI: OpenOffice 1.0.2 is the same prog, made by the same ppl as LuxuriousityOffice 1.0.2 :eek: , except that the latter is NOT free and many CD copies are being auctioned on eBay ( not sure if I should mention the company's name so I won't) :confused: .

Got the free download installed and working without a hitch ... it will open Nick's TicketBuilderVerifierV1B2.xls, where my Lotus 1-2-3 would not. Have yet to try it so I don't know about the macros conversion ...

You saved me at least $20, lot more had I bought MS Office, and prob a week's mailing time Dennis :agree2:


brad they constantly update the software and you can get a developre edition aswell, i have never payed for anything from them in the past.


Thanks Snowy, don't really know what 'developer ed.' means. I have the 1.0.2 version and from what I've seen so far it's very good ... can't beat the price :agree2:

