Excel announcer formula needed.



I've search the web coming up blank. Can you provide a link for the lottostatisticsxls ? No promises but I may be able to crack the protection When I was hacked in 2013 someone protected my sheets so well !Microsoft "claimed" they tried for two weeks and could crack it. I was ALOT more determined than them as you can imagine I converted MS Office to hex and learned a lot along the way


If not, take my name larbec and add 69 to the end. Then send it to yahoo.com. I can probably crack the protection for you


Thank you Larbec for your offer. I do have a copy (somewhere) of Lottostatistics.xls already which I seldom use. Like I said earlier I have no intention of getting involved with it so theres not much point in me having a cracked copy. Good luck to you if you think you can improve it. :)
I'm still heavily into holiday video editing which will keep me busy for a while...


Hi Frank, larbec, and bloubul. I strictly use Lottostatisticsxls v1.17 and wouldn't mind getting into the code as with some of the routines I run Ive received overflow errors. Also the program doesn't handle 3 digit numbers. I've tried the hex editor route but it didn't seem to work for me. I'd also like to to try and enhance the what came after feature of the program as to what I eluded to in this thread. I do have a yahoo address but is it appropriate in this thread to give it out or is there another part of the forum where it is more appropriate. Thank you for your help.


I can't answer the email question as far as the board is concerned. The function has been disabled I would not want to get anyone in trouble but to cover your tail you could always post a media fire or Dropbox link and just say " check this out" lol or just post your email and perhaps get your hand slapped


Thanks bloubul, I'll check that link out and hopefully I can figure something out. I'll let you know either way.


Hi bloubul, sorry for the delay but I'm a shift worker so there a periods of time throughout the week that I'm not able to fire up the computer as I'm trying to catch up on lost sleep etc. I did go to the crazy nuts sight and did look at the file that I was interested in but when I went to use it in excel97 excel came back with " excel no longer responding" and it kicked me out. I then loaded the locked version and it loaded no problem. I do have a fairly current version of microsoft office that is on a mac computer that the family uses so I'll try it on that one and see if there are any issues. But that won't happen till the weekend as I'm going on the night shift for the next few days. I'll get back to you then.


Never found a way to motorize what I had requested in the initial part of this thread so, for now, I'm just doing it manually.

