Does anyone have any lottery software recommendations?

Hello all,

My name is Dave and yes I am the new kid on the block … First let me say that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through the various forums on the “Lotto 649 Web Site Lottery Players Club web site”. I’ve read lots of interesting material, which has sparked my interest.

I’ve been looking for a lottery software tool for aiding me in selecting (wheeling) tickets for BC49, 649 and Super 7. I’ve heard that Lotto Pro 2002 is a decent tool, does anyone have any experience with it. In addition, can anyone recommend a tool that they use that I could checkout?

Best regards,
Dave Evers
For any knowledge and stuff around here...I would point you in the direction of Gilles D...Especially because you are a new member here...I'm sure that he is going to be delighted to help you in all your search!! Just ask him! :agree:



I'm using Lotto Pro 2002...but just for printing tickets....some reminders...checking winners.....and Hot/Cold stuff....

Iningua for creating lotto wheels...

a lot of software from Ion Saliu site....

try some downloads and reading on

and try to use

c yas....


<<< In addition, can anyone recommend a tool that they use that I could checkout?>>>

Best regards,
Dave Evers
:) [/B]

hey Dave, a great tool for you is watching/participating in the discussion threads for 6/49 and S7 with all the great players here - you'll win more. :agree2:
Winhunter and Lottery Director


As above, both are free so don't waste any money on buying software that won't let you win...
I have already seen the results myself with WH.. As for LD it's an excellent tool for analysis....

