Does any remember....


It seems to me about 5-6 years ago I heard that someone had come up with a system that could calculate correctly 19 of the 20 keno numbers picked on a given night. I believed it to be the Ontario Keno at that time. Does anyone else remember anything along these lines?



hi , was this anything to do with the guy who had developed a computer program to calculate the rng algorithm and all he had to do was input the previous draw results and his computer picked the next 20 numbers.

wish i could find a program like that!!:idea:


no really , this was the guy who got arrested for it because he was a previous employee of the casino but his computer expertise and his knowledge of the machines helped him with the program. he only got caught out because he had the money sent to his hotel address and when they investigated found it in his name and they found out he was an employee.


Well talking about the Province ontario's keno game i don't think it's been done.

The casino's i don't know, it could happen illegally ie people who designed keno machine inside people etc etc..

I know that in the Montreal casino a Math teacher used chaos theory to crack that electronic jackpot 3 times in a row for like $700,000 or so, and it was LEGAL. After a court case the casino was ordered to pay him.

So anything can happen.
charles2 said:
Well talking about the Province ontario's keno game i don't think it's been done.

The casino's i don't know, it could happen illegally ie people who designed keno machine inside people etc etc..

I know that in the Montreal casino a Math teacher used chaos theory to crack that electronic jackpot 3 times in a row for like $700,000 or so, and it was LEGAL. After a court case the casino was ordered to pay him.

So anything can happen.
I could talk a long time about that Montreal Casino's thing....It was not exactly the chaos theory....But more like a bug in the ramdomnes of the draws a reappearing pattern was spotted that pattern repeated itself over and over again following the same intervals....In fact that player did the test before actually playing it in repetition...It is true...And everything was very legal ... :agree: but they have changed the system since...

