Dennis Bassboss
Lets start by saying this.....when the 20 is the first striker it could drag a very direct fashion....these numbers are somehow link to the 20 either before or after it showed up within 3 the real high draws had a high consecutive 38-39 ...they might both repeat or one of them....another interesting thing LDs 09 struck hard lately so you have to think in that area at least one LDs 09 to appear the 09 -19-49 are not far fetch LD thing is high...very high for LDs 04 ....14-24-44 ....or 24-34-44 something in that got to play some of these little critters...Another spectrum of these very high draws is calling for a triple consecutives....hum in that case consider the 21-22-23-24 or the 31-32-33-34 or 33-34-35-36 but it is most unlikely that we could expect something in the area of antipode draws or numbers....