Discussions for May 17!!!

Here is the double announcers grid for the 34 millions draw…

-------------With bonus––---------------
The ways the numbers showed up....
the last-----------last------------last-------
164 draws------25 draws-----10 draws--

16=44 times---16=09 times--34=05 times
43=37 times---10=09 times--31=04 times
31=36 times---29=08 times--28=04 times
10=36 times---28=08 times--10=04 times
34=34 times---47=07 times--08=04 times
44=33 times---34=07 times--04=04 times
22=33 times---31=07 times--29=03 times
04=33 times---18=07 times--27=03 times
06=32 times---17=07 times--24=03 times
38=31 times---08=07 times--16=03 times
24=31 times---04=07 times--15=03 times
47=30 times---22=06 times--02=03 times
32=30 times---46=05 times--47=02 times
30=30 times---43=05 times--46=02 times
18=30 times---32=05 times--44=02 times
17=30 times---15=05 times--37=02 times
28=29 times---14=05 times--32=02 times
21=29 times---11=05 times--30=02 times
20=29 times---02=05 times--26=02 times
05=29 times---44=04 times--22=02 times
03=29 times---38=04 times--20=02 times
02=29 times---30=04 times--18=02 times
39=28 times---27=04 times--17=02 times
08=28 times---24=04 times--12=02 times
41=27 times---20=04 times--11=02 times
33=27 times---12=04 times--07=02 times
29=27 times---05=04 times--05=02 times
26=27 times---42=03 times--45=01 time
14=27 times---39=03 times--42=01 time
42=26 times---37=03 times--38=01 time
37=26 times---23=03 times--35=01 time
36=26 times---09=03 times--25=01 time
07=26 times---06=03 times--13=01 time
46=25 times---03=03 times--01=01 time
19=25 times---45=02 times--43=00 time
13=25 times---36=02 times--41=00 time
35=24 times---35=02 times--40=00 time
01=24 times---33=02 times--39=00 time
27=23 times---26=02 times--36=00 time
23=23 times---25=02 times--33=00 time
15=22 times---21=02 times--23=00 time
12=22 times---19=02 times--21=00 time
11=22 times---13=02 times--19=00 time
45=21 times---07=02 times--14=00 time
25=21 times---41=01 time---09=00 time
40=18 times---40=01 time---06=00 time
09=18 times---01=01 time---03=00 time

in blue=numbers from the last 6 draws bonus included
in green...These winning numbers were part of the last 6 draws numbers
In red...These winners were not part of the last 6 draws

-------------Without bonus–--------------
The ways the numbers showed up....
the last-----------last------------last-------
164 draws------25 draws-----10 draws--

16=39 times---10=09 times--34=04 times
10=34 times---16=08 times--10=04 times
31=31 times---29=07 times--08=04 times
24=31 times---28=07 times--31=03 times
06=31 times---08=07 times--28=03 times
43=30 times---47=06 times--27=03 times
34=30 times---34=06 times--24=03 times
38=28 times---18=06 times--16=03 times
22=28 times---32=05 times--15=03 times
21=28 times---22=05 times--04=03 times
05=28 times---17=05 times--02=03 times
04=28 times---14=05 times--46=02 times
39=27 times---02=05 times--37=02 times
18=27 times---46=04 times--32=02 times
44=26 times---43=04 times--30=02 times
32=26 times---38=04 times--29=02 times
29=26 times---31=04 times--26=02 times
20=26 times---30=04 times--22=02 times
03=26 times---27=04 times--20=02 times
37=25 times---24=04 times--17=02 times
33=25 times---20=04 times--12=02 times
02=25 times---15=04 times--07=02 times
47=24 times---11=04 times--05=02 times
28=24 times---04=04 times--47=01 time
26=24 times---44=03 times--45=01 time
08=24 times---39=03 times--44=01 time
46=23 times---37=03 times--38=01 time
42=23 times---23=03 times--35=01 time
36=23 times---12=03 times--25=01 time
30=23 times---06=03 times--18=01 time
17=23 times---05=03 times--13=01 time
13=23 times---03=03 times--11=01 time
19=22 times---45=02 times--01=01 time
14=22 times---42=02 times--43=00 time
07=22 times---36=02 times--42=00 time
27=21 times---35=02 times--41=00 time
23=21 times---33=02 times--40=00 time
01=21 times---26=02 times--39=00 time
35=20 times---25=02 times--36=00 time
15=20 times---21=02 times--33=00 time
41=19 times---19=02 times--23=00 time
25=18 times---13=02 times--21=00 time
12=18 times---09=02 times--19=00 time
11=18 times---07=02 times--14=00 time
45=17 times---40=01 time---09=00 time
40=15 times---01=01 time---06=00 time
09=15 times---41=00 time---03=00 time

And here are the numbers that took part
of the last 6 draws bonus included….

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O:K: when I did the grid I have noticed a lot of triples consecutives in these draws...mostly 30-31-32...25-26-27...
I have also noticed some very lows draws and some very high draws...
the 09 is still interesting...judging by its hit and skips repeats it could be a strong repeater for the next....the 39 is also knocking at the door...:eek2:


Dennis, look for the 43 in 649 as well, as a matter of fact, look for the most popular pair 20/43 to show up.
peter said:
Dennis, look for the 43 in 649 as well, as a matter of fact, look for the most popular pair 20/43 to show up.

It could very much strike Peter...I agree here...and I don't think that we saw the last of 46-47-48-49 range yet....:agree2:
But back into the Super 7...these LDs 03 might gives us a devastating ride in the next...look at how many LDs 03 are announced here....They are in the spotlight here 13 is announced 01 but all others LDs 03 are announced 00....or they are all in the striking range....:agree2: Count on some to show up in the next folks...:dizzy: :nuts: :idea: :eek2: :eek3:


Like I posted for the 6/49, it has been too long since a balanced draw for the 47 too.

A number will show in every range.... 1's, 10's, 20's.... etc.


Picard said:
Like I posted for the 6/49, it has been too long since a balanced draw for the 47 too.

A number will show in every range.... 1's, 10's, 20's.... etc.

Now this I :agree: with you. The 2 decade miss in S7 is a good announcer for all decades :agree2:


I've been checking the pattern 0f repeats on the listing of dated plays and you can almost see the repeat(s) that is(are) coming up. Give it a try and let me know what you see.


madam120 said:
I've been checking the pattern 0f repeats on the listing of dated plays and you can almost see the repeat(s) that is(are) coming up. Give it a try and let me know what you see.

Welcome madam120 :) Very true. I think the repeaters
will come from 14-30-31-36.

Now, will the 38 spoil the party :heul:
madam120 said:
I've been checking the pattern 0f repeats on the listing of dated plays and you can almost see the repeat(s) that is(are) coming up. Give it a try and let me know what you see.

We have been looking for quite a while Madam120...For one Peter is using the past draw numbers to see repetitive patterns and numbers...and his results speaks for themselves...last year I have looked at that matter a lot when I was looking for trends in high draws...I noticed then that late January early February (in 6/49)was particularly flooded with high draws at the time....
You are right here...you can find a lot from the past.....

"Someone that forgets the past is condemned to relive it" ..Léo Zillar
For 34,000,000$ I'll say you are better with the 34 than with the 38....:agree2:
And I think that one decade will prevail mostly on the others....because part one of the triple consecutive story takes place Wednesday night and it will be drag into that Humunggus draw
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Dennis Bassboss said:
For 34,000,000$ I'll say you are better with the 34 than with the 38....:agree2:
And I think that one decade will prevail mostly on the others....
I might play that one also :wow:


Dennis Bassboss said:
Just make it sure to play some LDs 03 for that one ....
:bomb: :bomb: :bomb: They are waiting to go off...
For this one, it seems to me that these LD's seem to hit-miss-hit again. So, we had LD 3/7 draw before last then the 7 hit so yes we should see some LD 3 - 43 is in.

My stats say LD's 1/4/6 are in play

O:K: My LDs tracker is very high on LDs 03 59% Major-Major

03-13-43 and 03-23-43 second at 53% is LDs 04 ....04-34-44 and
04-14-34.....LDs 06 is at 48% according to my LDs tracker....but who knows?????
I only hit sometimes with it...lol..lol..lol..:lol:


Well the 38 spoilled my party last draw! :(

Still not bad though.
I got one 5/7, one 3+/7, and three 3/7.

If that 38 was another number, I might have had 6/7.
I'm using all the winnings for this draw.

Let's win it!
Make it so. :scatter:

