Maggie said:
Hi Mon,
I think what they mean by LD is last digit. Say, 10,20 30 40.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, I don't want to be telling Mon the wrong info. As for me, I'm lost when they talk about "announcer" Do you know what that is?
Maggie, you are correct about LD=Last Digit. Typically when I talk about an LD it means 2 or more numbers with the same last digit.
When Dennis called LD 0 last draw, to me, it meant at least 2 numbers with last digit 0 will hit. If you noticed his picks he played 20-30-40 and one of his hints was 20.

You need to have LDs in your picks because
almost 8/10 draws have them.
Announcer means essentially predictor. The best example is the 15-2-1 "announcing" high draws. When you see those numbers, you know that the high draw will hit next draw. The 15-2-1 tells you this or
announces that high is on the way.
There are many announcers. The trick is to find the best ones.
Numbers can be announcers and be
announced - two different things.
Another term is
spoiler. I think there can be 2 definitions. 1) This is a number you thought about playing,
didn't think it would come logically but your instinct tells you it will, didn't play it and it hit anyway.
2) A number which you never considered playing and had no business hitting - ie a long-shot.
Anything else?? Just ask