Developing Lottery Intuition

Intuition involves the rapid realization of unconscious information that bypasses thought and reason. Everyone has had numerous personal experiences of a flash of insight later proving to be accurate. Although it isn't under conscious control, intuition can be enhanced through training just like any other mental ability.

Our everyday lives provide many opportunities for training our intuition. This is helpful since improvement requires continuous work. A few examples will be given of ways to train your intuition on a daily basis as well as an explanation of how it operates.

Telephones are the first tool that can be used for training. Each time the phone rings, guess who is calling before lifting the receiver. If you live in a large household or are the receptionist at a business you might just try guessing who the call is for. A remarkable result of doing this for several weeks is that you will start thinking of people "out of the blue" and having them call a few seconds later!

Radios are the second tool for training. Before turning on the radio at home or in your car, guess which song is playing. Or you might try guessing the type of song (dance, love, country, etc) if its a variety station. You will shock yourself at the level of improvement made in a month.

Last, you can use your mailbox to develop intuition. If you order a package or if someone far away is sending a letter, then try to guess the exact day it arrives. This can also be reversed by guessing when an associate in another state or country receives your correspondence. I used to play this game with penpals and it can be very amusing to get a letter sent weeks ago stating the exact day you will open it.

We must say that probability is responsible for all this. You unconsciously know that certain people call at certain times and how long certain mailings generally take to arrive. But the goal is to bring this probability knowledge to conscious awareness. Doing so puts you in touch with the universal field of probability that determines all events, even the so called random ones.

A simple test to prove this involves pick-3 lotteries. Each of the 3 numbers drawn have a 1 in 10 chance. Do the exercises on a daily basis while simultaneously picking the number you feel will show up in each slot. After 1000 draws the "odds" say you should only get one winning ticket and 100 correct picks for each number slot, on average. But using ONLY this exercise you will attain better results. We know this for a fact and we GUARANTEE it! Scientists insist that lotteries are totally random and that precognition doesn't exist, but this simple exercise you can do at home will prove to yourself otherwise. If you do try this, please send us an email at <<<email addy deleted >>> telling us your results. Even though we already have proof of this, we would like to get tens of thousands of responses. Not like it will change a skeptics mind, they will always say its a coincidence. But after you attain results for yourself you will know better.

These exercises are just one way of improving your prediction success while sports betting or playing the lottery. For more techniques you can check our manuals.

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Guess I don't have to say then why I reported your post, you being Psychic and all that. So consider this as another opportunity to improve your skills ... :dang:


Thanks for reporting the post Brad.
Your wit always cracks me up :lol:
I have left the web url as it is not an affiliate ad but is PsychicGambling's direct website which does contain lottery concepts. :D

