detect the numbers 7 and the triples where the central number is prime with its adjacent ones,
objective is to find the prime numbers from 01 to 25
and also the trio whose central number is prime with its left and right adjacents, please
attention to the trios, the trio must be complete, that is, the central number
cousin with its two adjacent left and right
ex = 04 05 06 here is the trio with central number 05 prime with its two adjacent so it is a complete trio
objective is to find the prime numbers from 01 to 25
and also the trio whose central number is prime with its left and right adjacents, please
attention to the trios, the trio must be complete, that is, the central number
cousin with its two adjacent left and right
ex = 04 05 06 here is the trio with central number 05 prime with its two adjacent so it is a complete trio