detect the numbers 7 and the triples where the central number is prime with its adjacent ones, objective is to find the prime numbers from 01 to 25


detect the numbers 7 and the triples where the central number is prime with its adjacent ones,
objective is to find the prime numbers from 01 to 25
and also the trio whose central number is prime with its left and right adjacents, please
attention to the trios, the trio must be complete, that is, the central number
cousin with its two adjacent left and right
ex = 04 05 06 here is the trio with central number 05 prime with its two adjacent so it is a complete trio


Neither of the formulas require ctrl shift enter.

Formula for Q6 =IF(ISNA(MATCH(Q$5,$A6:$O6,0)),"","x")

Formula for AC6 =IF(OR(ISNA(MATCH(AB$5,$A6:$O6,0)),ISNA(MATCH(AC$5,$A6:$O6,0)),ISNA(MATCH(AD$5,$A6:$O6,0))),"","x")


can someone help me activate the formulas? in other words, put it on the spreadsheet! I couldn't activate the 2nd formula, please


Your second formula will always return a blank, because its asking a silly question. It is saying "if any of 01,02,03 does not appear in range ,$A6:$O6 then put a blank in, otherwise put an x in. Well number 01 does not appear in range ,$A6:$O6 so that means you get a blank in cell AC6.
What you have not made clear is exactly what you WANT to appear in cells AC5,AC6,AC7. Are you looking for CONSECUTIVE sets with the middle number prime within the results? e.g 01,02,03 has to be in your results to return 01,02,03 in cells AB,AC,AD ? Or are you saying you don't care whether the prime number is part of a consecutive set in the results, e.g cells AC5,AC6,AC7 would contain 01,02,03 even though 01 is not in the results? AF,AG,AH would contain 02,03,04 even though 04 is not in the results? Please be CLEAR.


hello FRANK !you looking for CONSECUTIVE sets with the middle prime in the results? yes yes. yes, For example, 01,02 , 03 has to be in your results to return 01,02.03 in cells AB, AC, AD? the objective is to have threes whose reference number in the center must be prime, with its left and right adjacents,
ex 06 07 08 the number 7 is prime and its adjacents
06 and 08 so mark the trio, I will use the trios to fix numbers and thanks for seeing the post!!! you doubt?


No I don’t doubt, I just needed to know what you thought the second formula was doing. You said you couldn’t activate it. It is working correctly for AC6, it’s just doing as it is told, returning a blank because there’s no consecutive. The problem is you can’t just copy it along the row, since it uses absolute references. Each trio of consecutives needs its own modified version of that formula. I’ll take a look later when I have time.


thanks FRANK !!for seeing the post, sometimes google translates the messages poorly,
so the objective is to find references to play, in this case they are the prime numbers that after seeing what is the amount, it is seen the triples whose center of the triple is the prime number, and its adjacent adjacent ones, you use these triples to be fixed in the bet , thanks for the work ,


FRANK IN ADDITION TO THE 9 PRIME NUMBERS 01 TO 25 we also have the fibonacci numbers 01 to 25
, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21
primes= 9 numbers=, 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23
ficonacci=, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21
our study is the cousins , but if you find
how to put the fibonacci, feel free to use


hello FRANK, i combined the prime numbers and fibo numbers from 01 to 25
so we have a combination of 12 numbers
looks good looks good to choose to join cousins and fibonacci
they are from 01 to 25 = 1,2,3,5,7,8,11,13,17,19,21,23
there are 12 numbers you can use this list ok to see the presence and the central number of the trios and adjacents
the crossing of cousins and fibonacci will be good


Stop right there. I respond to the FIRST post only. I am NOT subscribing to a never ending project,


huh! very good work of art!
goal is to find a reference point or base
the primes and fibonacci in the 01 to 25 (easy lotto) can give us a betting reference according to the patterns of the central number, play various draws
followed until the patterns are drawn, very good work, when more experienced the more great work
thank you FRANK!!!

