detect the letters in the group and add their quantities forming the suit


detect the letters in the group and add their quantities forming the suit


Sub X()

Dim header As Range
Dim data As Range
Dim output As Range
Dim rowIndex As Long
Dim colIndex As Long
Dim letterIndex As Long
Dim letter As String
Dim tally As Long

Set header = Range("I4:AU4")
Set data = Range("I6:AU7")
Set output = Range("AW6")

For rowIndex = 1 To data.Rows.Count
For letterIndex = 1 To 4
tally = 0
letter = Chr(64 + letterIndex)
For colIndex = 1 To data.Columns.Count
If header.Cells(1, colIndex) = letter Then
If Len(data.Cells(rowIndex, colIndex)) > 0 Then
tally = tally + 1
End If
End If
output = tally
Set output = output.Offset(0, 1)
Set output = output.Offset(1, -4)

End Sub


I got this macro for the worksheet above, but she is not scrapping the other raffles, can anyone see what happens with a macro that is not being scanned? please


I know I'm going to regret replying, I always do, but this is my ONE reply to answer the question. As usual its using a sledgehammer to crack a nut by using a macro for this.
Pretty much the same formulas Ive been showing you for years could have done it, The hardest job was putting the Xs in the grid and the macro wasn't doing that!

It didn't work because it classed the X's as data, not the actual results. They were not all filled in for all the draws, so it stopped after 2 rows.
I had to do formulas to put the Xs in.The macro depended on counting up how many rows of Xs there were in order to work properly. Ive changed it to counting up how many RESULTS there are.

It doesn't do the SUM part either, but its always 7 so you don't need it.


hello hhhu magnifico frank is the best in the world in excel, yes you can change the x, frank, no, will not leave soon, will still visit rio de janeiro to fish in the wetland, when I win
* come to see the carnival in rio de janeiro, there are lots of beautiful capichi mulata

