detect only the 1st trio of each of the 4 pp, ii, ip, pi patterns


detect only the 1st trio of each of the 4 pp, ii, ip, pi patterns
where = pp = is pair / pair and x = 02
ii = is odd and odd = 13
ip = odd / even = 12
pi = even / odd = 03.25 ..
sometimes there will be no trio of each pattern in the first trio of each draw no problem,
objective is to detect the 1st trio of each of the 4 patterns


hello, frank !!! please get it in the 4 yellow color lists (they are all possible formations of the trios of each pattern) to see the sum of the number of times the trio was drawn, of course it has to be the complete trio, pattern with x or xx does not fit the pattern must be xxx ex = 11 17.19 = already drawn 15 times is just an example of the ok value

