Crunch Time


Hiya gang!

After a couple of months of alot of hard work and other stuff that has detracted me from working on WINHunter, it is time to put some pressure on most of you guy's most cherished lotteries.

The way I propose to do this is by using the new (as of yet, un-publically tested) Distribution server. The distribution server takes a single Filter Optimization setup, and distributes the testing information to MANY users which then process a single test pass from the optimization and then submit the results back to the server. What this does is allow multiple users to donate their computer to the cause by allowing it to process data and then return the results to a Server. Consider this, some optimizations might take days to complete for a single computer, but multiple users will slash optimization times to mere hours, or even minutes for optimizations that might have taken hours.

Current versions of WINHunter are able to perform this function without any updates. What is really needed at this point are a few users with a dedicated internet connection with a staticly assigned IP address. As has been discussed before, this IP Address is tucked away from prying users, so your computer and its identity are kept secret as much as possible. In order to submit your IP address, simply email it and a prefered Computer name to LT, and he will forward it to me.

Once you have submitted the correct information, I will post general information in the WINHunter support forums as to how any/all users can take advantage of the server. Also, I will post support information for the users who will be running the Server itself.

I currently estimate that up to 50 users could connect to the Server simultaneously, but that is highly unlikely because so many machines will be out of sequence to each other in how fast they process the information and upload it back.

BTW, the server operator has total control of what jobs the server dishes out, and how much priority gets assigned to those jobs (stacks).

The community of Internet users who offer their computers lull time is rapidly increasing. Think of how fast WINHunter could grow with hundreds or ten-thousands of users processing stacks for optimizations? Even the inactive members of this site could help out by getting involved! How close could we get to cracking several lotteries? How would the server operator benefit from owning the optimized data? You tell me!



I may be able to help with this, but i'm on roger's so my ip does change every few months. Also i usually only have the computer on at night, say 8pm till midnight or so.. How much juice will this puppy take and will I be able to pause it when I need full power to run my software?



Yes, there is a pause function for the Server side, and the client can turn off the AutoLogin functions as well. Perhaps you would be better suited as a client instead of a Server for now. I say this because WINHunter (Client version) will not keep looking for a particular Server to be online. Perhaps this needs to change somehow, but right now it will Timeout and giveup.

As far as Dynamic/Static IP's go, the available IP's are retreived via the internet, and thus stay fairly up to date. With that in mind, it woul dbe ok for an IP that does not change very often to be installed in the internet database of available IPs.


