Cro 7/39---this wednesday


O.K,starting to play this lotto, although as twice as harder to beat the prizes are more attractive as well.
For the beginning , lets start with testing the potential of this stack from 6/45 in a 7/39 game;)

13 Predictions for the next drawing:

13#, 4/5, 8 lines




First results

15 19 26 27 30 31 36 (14)

Not a great start with 2 correct #, but I've a good gut feeling about this stack.Afterall, it was pretty unusual draw. Anyway, the future will tell more.:agree:




April 21

This week playing these #-s, with great Dennis's help, thanks again :agree:

DN 32

16 filtered lines in combined 1# DN wheel



yo, im also from croatia ,can u explain what u doing here with that numbers and filters and some lines.thanka.

btw did u won anything?


Bok dada-as

Hi, dada-as

nice to hear that finally someone from Croatia find his route to this board, so I'm not the only one here anymore after Garfield left the building. I hope that other members would not mind if I address some welcome words to dada-as in our language.

Bok prijatelju,

dobrodosao na ovaj forum koji je kao sto i sam vidis namijenjen da pomogne igracima lota i to putem razlicitih strategija, sistema, besplatnih programa,diskusija,itd. Ja sam na ovaj forum nabasao trazeci zapravo sisteme za kladjenje jer je to prvenstveno ono sto me zanima i cime dizem (ili pokusavam) dignut neku lovu,a ovo sa lotom mi dodje kao neka zajebancija,uplatim listic-dva u HL kad je jackpot veci pa sto bude.Istina, do sada nije bilo nista, ali nikad se ne zna, osim toga ima tu jedan tip koji je pogodio sesticu u 6/45 prije godinu dana bas u nasem lotu, tip prati sve zivo i ima smisla za pogadjanje brojeva pa ponekad bacim oko na njegove analize.Sto se tice loto kladjenja,koeficijenti su u nasim kladama premali s obzirom na sansu da se pogodi broj,dva ili tri pa to ni ne igram, drzim se striktno cistog kladjenja.

Sto se tice tvog pitanja, u onom sam postu zapravo igrao sistem od 14 brojeva sa jednim fiksom (32),to oni zovu DN ili Designated number,a da mi sve to stane na 2 listica,filtrirao sam neke
kombinacije po kljucu par-nepar,niski-visoki i to je to.

Inace, najbolje stvari tu mozes naci pod lotto wheels, razlicite sisteme za loto koji se mogu prilagoditi za kladjenje a skini si i WinHunter ako si bas zagrizao za loto kladjenje, program je besplatan i pogadja vise od prosjeka,ali pomalo je kompliciran.
Ako bas zelis analizirat brojeve, onda preporucam LottoStatistics,iako ja bas i nemam strpljenja s tim, vise volim ubacit brojeve iz proslih izvlacenja pa da mi program sam izbaci prognozu jer bas i nemam vremena za nekakve analize, pogotovo kad ovisim o bubnju ne zelim tratit vrijeme na to.

Pozdrav i b.t.w, odnekud mi je tvoj nick poznat,vjerojatno sa nekog kladionicarskog sajta;)




Ok hvala prijatelju ,skinut cu one programe i krenut cu na posao.
Vidim da ovo lotto i nije bas tako jednostavno da se tu dade dosta toga kombinirat.
Steta sto nema private messaga da bi mogli razgovarat o lottu ,stoga sretno ti u kladjenju a ja odoh citat da nesto nacim ;)

BTW bio sma clan tipdana ,pa mozda si i ti clan tog foruma?


I was playing with Winhunter (to the point where it crashed :( )

It spit out this prediction for tomorrow (19-05-2004):


My "analysis" gave this numbers:

3, 6, 11, 15, 23, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35

we shall see ....

PS: when I try to save .xml file, Winhunter always pops up "Save failed" window. What's wrong?


CRO loto 7/39, 19th May 2004., drawn numbers:

8-18-22-23-32-36-39 b 24

Winhunter: 2 hits (32, 36)

Me: 2 hits (23, 32)

Also, my coleagues and me played together and hit 2 (18 and 32). Same numbers were used to bet on irish loto, we got two hits there also (8 and 18) :)

But, this time we won about 5 EUR/$. Not much, but... better luck next time.


My numbers: 3, 7, 10, 11, 14, 17, 21, 23, 25
Drawn numbers: 7, 11, 16, 24, 27, 30, 36, b. 5

got two (7 and 11), no win (need at least 4 numbers to win).

no system used, just picked random numbers.

Prediction for next draw: 3-6-12-15-25-29-34-35

system13, do you play 7/39?


zelja, I've started playing 7/39 couple of months ago, in fact just about the time when this thread was brought up, but I'm not a regular player, I play occasionally when the JP gets bigger, else I stick to 6/45, the odds are again...;)

7/39 is a bigger challenge, though so it intrigues me as well, I'll just post some predictions for this week based on WinHunter's stack, not having much time lately for analyzing of any kind.



Prediction for Cro Loto 7/39 for today, 2004-06-02:


system13, do you know Kladionica Zderic lowered minimum stake on lotto? It is now 0.20 kn per combination.... and of course, 1/5 of the prize, if you get it. :(


Close zelja, not enough for a prize, but 3 from 10 is quite solid.

I didn't knew that Zderic has lowered stakes on lotto, but it makes no difference to me, not just because I don't bet on lotto but mainly because in my neighborhood there are no Zderic's bureaus so I'm oriented on other bookies like Stanleybet, SuperSport, Sporttip and Favorit.

