Normally I would send an email to you offline but the posts from you need clarification for everyone.
I closed the thread re your software because you put up multiple links to the software that you are promoting here. You have posted off topic conversations re your software into other members threads and have also posted email addresses which is against the terms of membership that you agreed to when you signed up. I have also asked you to clarify some things. ie What is your role or relationship to the software? Is the software free? I understand that it costs $100 after the trial period is over?
It is ok to announce lottery software here if YOU are the owner and not an affiliate. If the software is not FreeWare then don't expect tons of threads here to essentially sell your product with free advertising.
You and any software author can count on lots of help re beta testing, feature requests and intelligent experienced feedback from the members here who are certainly the most knowledgable group on the internet re the lottery and its tools.
While I closed the thread, I did not cancel your membership. You can still post as "ivygirl".
Here is what I suggest. Let's start over. Post a new thread in the software section called "ivygirl software" or whatever. Post a link (all you need is 1)to your download page (please note that the site cannot contain links to other lottery bulletin boards and that the web site cannot harvest email addys etc.) The well developed membership list is not here for others to steal. If your site is ok then members here can go there, download your software and contribute to the discussion and development of your product.
Please keep that discussion in that thread. If it gets too big ie 100+ replies then set up another thread like "ivygirl software con't".
Please do not sign up under multiple member names. It makes it really confusing for everyone.
Please let everyone know what the basics are ie your role, the cost of the software, the trial period etc.
PS Beaker .. thanks for your help in providing good advice