Combo From Cairo

Hello All

I am here in Cairo, Egypt having fun with family and friends and don't miss Lotto at all..But I miss u all of course...
weather is great compared to Vancouver....
Anything new here with you ppl ? Any big winner ?
I am not abe to read cause it's slow of course...
Greetings to all especially LT....And all the gurus.
no luck for me so far but big deal..



Hey Combo man ... send us some Pyramid Power!! could use it in tonite's Super7 :D

... and say hi to Mummy :lol:


Hey CM - that's fantastic .... what a great place to visit!
We all miss you back here in the sleet and snow. ;)

"say hi to mummy" ... good one Brad. :lol:


ComboManiac said:
I am not abe to read cause it's slow of course...
I'm sorry, did you say u could not read because u are slow, I'll type slowly.:lol: Have a good time Combo, Eygpt is a holiday of a life time, don't know how much time u have.:wavey:
P.S. I did'nt know you had any friends,:lol:
Just kidding!!!!! Have a great time!:cool:
Be carefull down there Combo.... Do not try to visit a pyramid :no: Tourists are always an easy target for these curses and watch for the Nile virus too... :sick:


Dennis Bassboss said:
Be carefull down there Combo.... Do not try to visit a pyramid :no: Tourists are always an easy target for these curses and watch for the Nile virus too... :sick:

I thought you caught the Nile virus in New York :D
Hello All


Can't wait to post with my adsl..


Nice one about Mummy hahahha..No power from Pyramids or others.
I was very close to Mummy back in Oct 2001 and it was fantastic to see Ramses II lying next to you as a corpse hahhaa


I know u wanna visit there Don't you ? hahah

13-14 days to go to come back.....


Don't worry about curses cause I am immune so far ...Lived there most of my life..

Irvin and Peter

Nice to hear from you..

Ciao baby


Member you're doing "ciao, baby".??????!!!!!!!???????.........when you start throwing wet kisses and waving your wrist in a peculiar manner i'll be asking LT to take another look at your membership in this

.....please keep an eye out for large sealed containers stored in a cool dry place.....seems i heard somewhere this :beer: stuff has been around there for a while...........please enjoy......

................:beer: ........not nearly as aged as what you might find

don't be scared about the Ciao baby stuff I am not one of them hahahaha
Countdown has begun to come back to Canada....
I don't miss that damn BC49


Thanks for the wishes......See you soon...

Might change my mind about BC49, 2 winners in a space of what 4 draws or so !!
5 days to come back...
Have they answered u yet ?


Re: Brad

ComboManiac said:
Might change my mind about BC49, 2 winners in a space of what 4 draws or so !!
5 days to come back...
Have they answered u yet ?
BCLC is just baiting you! :D

No answer yet, do you think I should resend with a more forceful tone? :mad: :lol:

