BC/49 & Quebec/49 Sep 14 Discussion


Here is different progs predictions :

Lotto-Analyzer 01-11-14-18-25-33-35-36-39

Lotto 97 01-08-12-18-23-29-32-34-40

Winhunter 01-21-22-23-29-30-37-39-47
Yes Brad

I will not put too many 30's but won't forget 35,39 and perhaps 36. Not in one line though.
I was talking to Andrew telling him number 10 triggers cluster of 20's,30's or 40's and lo and behold the 30's came back again.
Luckily there was one winner 5/6+ which is great with those high numbers 26-30-31-37-41-47 and two repeats !!

Just heard form my ex-coworker that he won 4/7 last night not bad considering the numbers. It was a Combo 7 double play his own picking. He hates combo quickpicks cause it gives crazy ones most often. This guy has been lucky in many draws. For example he had won the extra twice 3/4 and matched 4/10 in FW plus countless 3/8 plus countless 4/6 in quickpicks late 90's. Some ppl have the luck :)
Any way I will play with him FW 8 next draw with my own picking.
We have lost together few combo 8's and one Combo 9 but we redeemed ourselves with the late 3/9 on Aug 31.
I am a bit upset cause Sep 7 numbers would have gotten our group $50.00 in a AW 8 :bawl: I didn't play of course
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Just wondering how you guys make out with this compared to the National Lotto 6/49 and the Stupid 7 I mean Super 7 :lol:

Msg to Sheba

actually we are doing fine in BC/49 that's why we don't play S7 or 6/49.
Brad would agree that we are ahead especially in Aug.
He matched 3/9 or 3/8 few weeks ago while I matched 3/9 and 4/9 in AW 9.
Plus we matched 3/7's quite frequently so we are fine.


Hey Sheba,

welcome to the 3 Lotto Meisters section... actually 2.5 'cause Dennis only lives here part time ... I'm up about 80 bucks since start of August, but it's dwindlin' fast, gotta get some more wins soon.

BC49 odds are identical to Nat 6/49, but the top prizes are fixed and lower, like most provincial lotteries. The thing we like is the tickets are half the cost, so in a sense we have twice the chance for a buck.

Tthe Stupid 7 is another story :lol:


Sounds like its better than the lotto 649 and you got that right about the "Stupid 7 :lol:

Good Luck In your Game...

Same with 6/49 Except


BC/49 is the same odds with 6/49 except it's cheaper. For example FW 8 in 6/49 would cost you $28.00 whereas in BC/49 would cost you only $14.00.

As for S7 it's a nightmare why ?
combo 8 in S7 costs $6.00 (cheaper than $14.00 for Bc/49) but the odds of matching 4/8 in S7 is 1 : 110 whereas 3/8 in BC/49 is 1 : 24

Now u see i am comparing 3/8 in Bc/49 vs 4/8 ( 3+/8 ) in Super 7 because of the payout of 3/8 in Super 7 is FREEBIES which you know at the end where it's gonna go :lol:

I have seen ppl matching 5/8 in a Combo 8 Super 7 which is great but it doesn't happen to me so I will stick to BC/49 for now.

