BC/49 & Quebec/49 Discussion Sep 7

Here are my thoughts for Sep 7 BC/49:

04-13-21-28-39-40-41-42-44-47 and possible suspects are :

Let me know OON Master :lol: about your thoughts.

BTW at the end of the month BOTH of us should try to play extra $10.00 for combining our selections. It should be easy to do cause we play common numbers most of the times.



BC49 Predictions by B. OON

(no need to put a ba in front of it, that's too obvious ! :D
besides, boon is a synonym for good fortune).

short list:

due 11-33-35-42
oons 39-06-18-16-24
reps 17-25-38-37

Except for 39 all oons have the same wt for this draw so I'm leaning towards 24 as it shows in most announced 01-24-35-08 . Wonder how
these compare to Lotto Announcer's ?

I'm also considering 02-21-27 .

Different Progs Predictions


:D :lol: :lol2:

WinHUnter High : 09-10-15-16-20-22-24-30-36
Low : 01-02-01-13-21-28-33-35-39-41-47

Winhunter v 0.2.13 : 01-02-03-08-27-29-39-41-44

Lotto-Analyzer : 01-08-10-24-33-38-39-40

Lotto 97 : 01-04-09-14-25-29-32-42


Hey I got one for you... LA Combo :D... but enough of this jocularity.

Good to see that my announcers agree with yours, got all except for 10. I picked the top 14 and the best four from those were announced by more than one nr from prev draw:01 by 3nrs and 24,08,35 by 2 nrs each. Wonder if 35 showed up on your LA screen as well?
Another one for Brad

OK after I got the new version, I followed Andrew's example for FL Lotto ( I added more processors though).
REsults look promising to me
Prediction for Sep 7 are :


Now compare these with version 0.2.13 you will notice a big difference.

I wish I know how the trigger works cause everytime I get an error and exit by force.
Also I wish Andrew could implement Triggering let's say group of numbers like 20's , 30's or Teens or even 40's.
Cause every draw here there is a trigger of certain group like the 30's in the last draw ( 31,37,38) and of course 20's in previous draws and on and on.
Of course we can the balanced draws too like 7,18,20,29,33,45.
So if this feature is implemented, that would help a great deal cause on many occasions I was able to predict the 20's attack when I matched 4/9 recently.
Today I have a feeling it's gonna be the 40's or the teens or I am wrong :lol:



haven't installed the new version yet, will have to find some time.
I'm showing more 30s than the rest but that's just me :D. I don't like my nrs again, this time I will play though. Probably fw7 and once I find a good AW12 in my stash I'll try that too - 4 nrs will match your latest WH prediction - 1,17,21,39.


Re: Another one for Brad

ComboManiac said:
I wish I know how the trigger works cause everytime I get an error and exit by force.

As usual, it seems the triggers got left behind with some major program changes. I will fix the bugs and release an update with the minor wheeling feature I mentioned, after I perfrom some reasonable testing and breaking...

Oh, better yet...

I will release a Trigger.dll update. You will only have to replace the triggers.dll file inside the plugins directory...

Last edited:
Thanks Andrew


Thanks for the reply, it cleared few things here.
New version is better and fast. Keep up the good work.


Re: Another one for Brad

ComboManiac said:
OK after I got the new version, I followed Andrew's example for FL Lotto ( I added more processors though).
REsults look promising to me
Prediction for Sep 7 are :


Now compare these with version 0.2.13 you will notice a big difference.

I wish I know how the trigger works cause everytime I get an error and exit by force.
Also I wish Andrew could implement Triggering let's say group of numbers like 20's , 30's or Teens or even 40's.
Cause every draw here there is a trigger of certain group like the 30's in the last draw ( 31,37,38) and of course 20's in previous draws and on and on.
Of course we can the balanced draws too like 7,18,20,29,33,45.
So if this feature is implemented, that would help a great deal cause on many occasions I was able to predict the 20's attack when I matched 4/9 recently.
Today I have a feeling it's gonna be the 40's or the teens or I am wrong :lol:

Let's get to work on that decade filter!

Start a Thread in the WINHunter section, and post your ideas.
We can crunch it out, then I can write it!


