Oh man, Lotto-Analyzer scores !!
WinHUnter High : 09-10-15-16-20-22-24-30-36
Low : 01-02-01-13-21-28-33-35-39-41-47
Winhunter v 0.2.13 : 01-02-03-08-27-29-39-41-44
Lotto-Analyzer : 01-08-10-24-33-38-39-40
Lotto 97 : 01-04-09-14-25-29-32-42
3/8 is great. Ok no play for our group next Wed. Instead I will play my own Combo 7.
Results are :
10-30-33-38-42-47 B04
Lotto-Analyzer is leading 3/0 and threatens to run away leaving all progs in shame.
It's my fault again, cause I changed 47 to 44 in the last moment therefore wasting a chance to win $40.00
Follow instinct. We both do these mistakes over and over again
If you look at 6/49 results you would get mad to the point that it's funny
*hitty numbers all around.
I wish Dennis would put his efforts on Quebec/49 as its numbers are really good and kinda balanced