August 28 Discussion


I see there were 2 lows numbers and 1 in the middle and 3 high ones. Well I hope they are better next draw.
I say more will be in the middle this time and 43 could be a repeat!

Here's a list of many hanging ghosts...
Now I'm seeing that 46-47 that I spoke about lately....and of course that 30s spectrum that is about to burst in... :eek: ....I'm seeing many hits down the road for these numbers....and in the next at least 4 numbers are in that group....


I definately agree, 30's are on the way. And looking at Dennis's 20-43 history, it's possible we may see a high draw soon starting with perhaps a 19 or 20. :)


Maggie said:
I definately agree, 30's are on the way. And looking at Dennis's 20-43 history, it's possible we may see a high draw soon starting with perhaps a 19 or 20. :)

I am hoping you are right on that Maggie, cause I have 2 sets that start off around there one is 17 and the other is 19, I also have a 20 -43 pair on a set....

Sheba said:
I am hoping you are right on that Maggie, cause I have 2 sets that start off around there one is 17 and the other is 19, I also have a 20 -43 pair on a set....

I'd say that these 17-19 are 2 dam good numbers in the next few draws... :bomb: :read:
When the 29 hits as a bonus it could drag ....many numbers from the same decade in the next draw or in the draws surrounding can also be a trigger for some high draws....I will look at this phenomenom more closely....but keep an eye on that one.... :eek2: :eek3: :read:


Dennis Bassboss said:
The 01 could be the fact I might include that one as well into my next set.... :eek2: :eek3:
It's only a spoiler if you don't play it Buddy :lol:

I'm looking veeeeeerrrrry closely at that one (1) :lol:
Hum....I'm really starting to think that this 29 as a bonus is setting up these 30s nicely....more than one decade will miss the I have to decide between 01 and 09 for a potential hit in the next....but you can be pretty sure that my next set is going to be loaded with 30s..... :eek2: :eek3:
Beaker said:

It's only a spoiler if you don't play it Buddy :lol:

I'm looking veeeeeerrrrry closely at that one (1) :lol:
That is exactly my question Beaker....but you are right it won't spoiled me because I'll find some room for it...before it's starts to :bouncy: :agree:


Maggie said:
If the 30's are about to show, I wonder if that means the :cold: 32:cold: will finally make an appearance.
I won't chase that one :dang: There are other good long-shot 30's like 31-34-35-36-39


S7 had 2 of them - take a look

10 15 18 19 36 43 46 Bonus 42

Now, we may see 2 of these on Wednesday :agree:
Because we didn't have any 10's, look at something from 10 15 18 19

Consecutives are still in play :agree: - even the triple :agree2:


Perhaps numbers are going to be concentrated from 15 below. A couple of 20's, 30's and 1 in the 40's.

34 could show on S7 along with 32 and 35.



Florie said:
Perhaps numbers are going to be concentrated from 15 below. A couple of 20's, 30's and 1 in the 40's.
I think this is a good prediction Florie - my current set will fit roughly into this thinking :agree: - more 50/50 low/high.

I think the 40's are done - just 1 from there.

Must pair them up again for this one :agree2:
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Have picked out some numbers, but trying to whittle them down to about 14. Right now I have 18 numbers. The four I am iffy about are 12-15-18-40. I kind of like the 18-40 combo, but not sure about the 12 and 15, I will probably end up leaving out the 12 and maybe keep the 15 in my set. :confused:

