Atlantic 649 Stats


I do have my own stats on this game, but was wondering if anyone else has been following this game? I know that most of you people don't play this one cause you dont live in the East.....

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~


Sheba, I don't follow the AL49 but one of my progs does carry the data base ... if you need to compare or locate some info it doesn't take too long for me to look it up.


OK Thanks...
Once I am able to pik my own numbers I may ask for some things then. But for now all I can do is play Insta Piks....

Happy New Year to everyone!

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~


charles2 said:
Sheba's it's gunna be much better when you can pick your own numbers in that 649 atlantic :agree:

Charles2 ...
I can't wait, I hope they just don't fool things up by having something like pick 1 line and get a computer generated line. Or increase the price. But I think they will keep it as is. They should see a big increase in the sales once the 649 goes to 2.00. People here don't mind just winning a million. All i will do is play my 2 reg lines in lotto 649 and concentrate on this game. Can Play better wheels...

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~

