pick5/6 lotteries
WINHunter was designed mostly for those types of lotteries (version 0.1.4 is proof of that.) But with some thought, WINhunter was redesigned, and the concept of structuring the data came about. There is a .doc included with the sourcecode that outlines the initial ideas that brought about WINHunter's latest design. Now predictions are not just based on numbers alone, but where did those numbers come from? Since most drawings are machine based, WINHunter compiles each drawing's numbers into each individual machine. Thus separating them, and allowing independant analysis. Since the machines are separate, then so should the drawings be also. The earlier version of winhunter was only able to handle a single machine set of numbers. No duplicate numbers are allowed inside the machine's saved data. So, powerball, and any other type of multi machine drawings were not truly allowed. WINhunter did load the powerball data, though.
BTW, the best way to become a tester is to review the WINHunter project on sourceforge and become a tester through there. That way you can keep abreast of any winhunter updates and project changes.