April 25 Discussion


Super 7 Prize Payouts
3 winners of 1st prize $954,745.70
3 winners of 2nd prize $127,299.40

Maybe it was won on someone free play from last draw!!!!

SHeba__:dog: ®™


I can't believe 3 tickets won $2.5M yet only 1 ticket won the $30M!!! Where's the logic in that?

I'm expecting this upcoming draw to be a carry over.
Super 7 little Analize…
Pool from the last 4 draws…
14 16 19 23 27 31 43 _01
02 03 12 36 37 41
04 21 29
26 32 33 39 _08

Hot numbers in the last 5 draws
Adjacent numbers

Most single Announced numbers
Common among these

Pairing With what numbers dœs each single number from the last winning set have come the most..
Common among these

Best repeaters

Open pairs
Recents Open pairs
It seems to me that we might see more of the 01-02 here but the 32 has to be a DN numbers in the next…The 08 is also a dandy and so is the 10….But I have to check out the split decades first…One last thing the dancing set could be on fire here…Think about it!
:eek2: :eek3: :read:
Randal said:
So Bassboss, if you were gonna pick any from that list which ones would you go with?
Just like last draw...the 2 that are coming for sure for my Hints...I like having 2 out of 2 for hints...Stay tune ...You'll see! :agree: :agree2:


That's much better Randal, thankyou,:agree2:
You will one day see see the wisdom of our ways, and wish to become one of us. it is a start.:lol:



Dennis I am kinda a noobie to lotto analysis so can you explain when you put the single announcer down what those numbers after the equal sign mean. Also the numbers in the pairings. Also the open pairings if you could.

For the repeater 1=18, I am assuming 1 has repeated 18 times in a fixed period of time?
Godload said:

Dennis I am kinda a noobie to lotto analysis so can you explain when you put the single announcer down what those numbers after the equal sign mean. Also the numbers in the pairings. Also the open pairings if you could.

For the repeater 1=18, I am assuming 1 has repeated 18 times in a fixed period of time?
Let me tell you first that for a newbie you are doing quite well so far!
Now for the repeaters like 01=18 you guessed it right but the fixed period I am using and posting is for the entire history...
Almost anyone could check back in the lates appearances of this number if it has or not repeated or if it has skipped some repeat possibilities ...a good example of this is 49 in 6/49...it has skipped many repeats when it showed up lately so it was overdue in that department this is one of the main reason why I put it as one of my hints for that lotto in the last draw...
Now for single announcers
Let me give you this example...
in Super 7 the 01 showed up 75 times
Each time that it has been seen...
in the following draws you have 8 more numbers
Now what would be the numbers that has showed up the most after the 01 for the following 75 draws..
if you check this you will find out that the 08 has come up the most.. 20 times after the draws involving the 01 so
01 is announcing the 08 in the very next draw...
Now the value for the pairing is the same
but this time it is when the 01 comes what are the numbers that are coming the most with it in the history...
01=43 because 43 is the number that has come up the most with the 01 in fact it has come up 19 times with the 01 in the same draw..
The open pair are in fact consecutives numbers that come up in a draw let say 46-47...I first noticed that in many back to back draws that follows either both of the numbers were coming back or most often one of them..Discussing with Beaker about that one day Beaker came up with the idea and push that reasonning a little further and applied that to more draws that followed
There was born the open pair strategy...We then noticed that many times one or both of the numbers were in fact repeating sometimes in 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,draws and even more..
Now when you compile these open pairs it can help you finding other numbers also that might come with it...
So when you see something like this..
07-08 it means that these numbers have come up together in a preceding draw and that none of these numbers forming that pair has repeated yet...this is why it is open...
You could do it with many other kinds of pair too but with consecutives it is easy to track down...
I hope that it helps you understand my post I tend to forget that it is not always clear for everyone ....


So Dennis, when you call something a *double announcer* does that mean the # was announced from a consecutive set, or the # was announced by 2 seperate #s? Or does it mean it was announced by 2 seperate pairings? (Meaning 4#s announced it) I really like this strategy.... thanks:agree2:
Rebeckah said:
So Dennis, when you call something a *double announcer* does that mean the # was announced from a consecutive set, or the # was announced by 2 seperate #s? Or does it mean it was announced by 2 seperate pairings? (Meaning 4#s announced it) I really like this strategy.... thanks:agree2:
Double announcers are different than open pairs you have seperate numbers in it ...in fact it is all the numbers taken individually that have been announced by a pair of numbers...
But the double announcer grids takes to account all the possible pairs from a given draw results...So it reflects what all these pairs put together...meaning that 7 numbers 6/49 or 8 numbers Super 7 are announcing a number ...
are announcing more and less in the very next draw....Yes that strategy unseen anywhere and especially in no commercial software freeware or not is simply awesome!
©Dennis Bassboss April 25, 2003

You also have announcers for some trending in a few draws to come...Example the 15 in 6/49 followed by the 01 and the 02 and the 04 is a good announcer for a high draw to come..

But always keep one thing in mind...all these strategies must be put in context with the actual trending of the draws...And when a number is dead cold it is wise to avoid playing it despite the fact that it could be overwelmingly announced...But if such number is in his skipping average and if at the same time it is well announced then I would say play it! play it hard!
As far as I know I am the inventor of the double announcers grids ©Dennis Bassboss April 25,2003
I just copywrited this so no wannabe would exploit this commercially without my written consent...
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