another filter method


heres a chart i made out of my excel file. it shows how often each number appears in ordered sequence.
ie the lotto numbers sorted from lowest to highest,

my theory being if you look at posistion 1, the numbers 1 - 16 have appeared there almost solely, so i need not play
any other number in posistion 1 and infact nothing over 28 has appeared so i need never place anything over 28 in p1.

the fact that number 1 can never appear anywhere else biases this sort of display, but im willing to trial it.

the numbers bellow the chart show my desired range for each posistion
1 to 12 for p1
8 to 20 for p2

ive made an excel random picker so it randomly picks numbers from between those selected ranges.

just thought id share the method with anyone who cares. sure is a way to filter out some crap selections for wheels.

on a side note, using this filter, my other wheel im kind of sad with, has about 1/2 the lines filtered out, so i guess i'll drop it and make a new improved 3 banker, or even 2 banker wheel.

all though a full combination cover would still be in the 10x of thousands, it does produce sets that look like the
winning combinations.

number p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6

  • 1 69 0 0 0 0 0
    2 55 11 0 0 0 0
    3 66 13 1 0 0 0
    4 54 14 1 0 0 0
    5 30 24 5 0 0 0
    6 53 26 5 0 0 0
    7 46 25 6 1 0 0
    8 50 34 14 1 0 0
    9 34 33 8 1 1 0
    10 35 43 10 1 1 0
    11 30 44 16 3 0 0
    12 33 45 21 4 0 0
    13 16 41 27 8 2 0
    14 19 30 35 11 2 0
    15 14 29 41 12 0 0
    16 22 26 33 17 5 2
    17 7 46 42 17 4 0
    18 5 30 40 36 7 2
    19 4 21 42 21 11 0
    20 15 26 39 45 9 1
    21 9 15 33 40 10 1
    22 4 15 35 43 24 1
    23 2 18 30 38 21 3
    24 5 17 29 32 31 4
    25 1 14 34 33 30 4
    26 1 16 23 49 28 12
    27 1 8 42 33 34 75
    28 1 5 21 39 33 19
    29 0 4 13 46 43 26
    30 0 3 14 30 55 33
    31 0 5 12 45 53 19
    32 0 0 5 25 55 38
    33 0 0 1 24 48 46
    34 0 0 2 19 58 48
    35 0 0 1 4 57 83
    36 0 0 0 3 41 89
    37 0 0 0 0 18 118
    38 0 0 0 0 0 125

    1 8 14 20 22 28
    12 20 29 33 36 38

    youl have to forgive the formatting, there was tabs in it


The method you are describing is position limits, using this as a filter can produce similar results to using decade filtering..

here's the position stats for Canada's 6/49 lottery as of draw 2066, the most recent draw is not in this data..

01 257 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 042 299
02 212 028 ___ ___ ___ ___ 031 271
03 188 059 001 ___ ___ ___ 049 297
04 189 052 004 001 ___ ___ 039 285
05 152 092 010 ___ ___ ___ 049 303
06 130 081 028 001 ___ ___ 029 269
07 140 094 028 002 ___ ___ 040 304
08 103 104 033 007 ___ ___ 046 293
09 101 108 034 009 ___ ___ 039 291
10 084 093 042 013 ___ ___ 044 276
11 084 086 046 013 001 ___ 053 283
12 071 110 059 011 ___ ___ 041 292
13 055 094 064 014 004 001 048 280
14 038 110 064 024 007 ___ 038 281
15 035 096 070 030 001 ___ 028 260
16 042 090 087 030 005 ___ 046 300
17 035 091 078 032 008 ___ 039 283
18 028 076 086 050 005 001 048 294
19 027 074 096 042 013 001 036 289
20 022 079 097 052 016 002 040 308
21 014 070 095 055 013 002 050 299
22 014 050 095 057 021 001 038 276
23 015 048 090 067 020 003 047 290
24 004 048 080 061 036 002 038 269
25 005 034 092 077 031 004 051 294
26 006 041 077 090 030 006 039 289
27 004 032 081 099 058 008 048 330
28 002 023 065 099 040 009 038 276
29 002 023 086 070 055 012 033 281
30 003 022 055 095 065 016 047 303
31 002 013 052 127 083 022 041 340
32 001 017 054 090 088 020 038 308
33 ___ 008 036 092 075 028 048 287
34 ___ 008 037 114 103 029 044 335
35 ___ 003 026 076 093 045 033 276
36 ___ 003 030 077 100 044 051 305
37 ___ 001 021 069 105 050 044 290
38 001 002 020 066 117 056 039 301
39 ___ 001 013 064 102 070 052 302
40 ___ ___ 018 049 114 087 037 305
41 ___ 001 008 041 113 092 050 305
42 ___ ___ 003 037 097 120 047 304
43 ___ 001 003 022 116 138 045 325
44 ___ ___ 002 016 096 150 037 301
45 ___ ___ ___ 012 083 167 046 308
46 ___ ___ ___ 011 083 173 039 306
47 ___ ___ ___ 002 045 244 046 337
48 ___ ___ ___ ___ 024 207 034 265
49 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 256 041 297


Expected range by position

After 2067 draws of the Lotto 6/49, these are the ranges you can expect for each position.

Position 1: 100% between 1 and 38 --- 75% between 1 and 10 --- 50% between 1 and 6
Position 2: 100% between 2 and 43 --- 75% between 4 and 21 --- 50% between 5 and 15
Position 3: 100% between 3 and 44 --- 75% between 12 and 31 --- 50% between 16 and 27
Position 4: 100% between 4 and 47 --- 75% between 20 and 39 --- 50% between 25 and 36
Position 5: 100% between 11 and 48 --- 75% between 31 and 46 --- 50% between 34 and 43
Position 6: 100% between 13 and 49 --- 75% between 40 and 49 --- 50% between 45 and 49

The information provided should be read like this:

For Position 1
- in all draws (100%), the first number was between 1 and 38;
- in 75% of the draws, the first number was between 1 and 10;
- in 50% of the draws, the first number was between 1 and 6.

Obviouly the percentage are not exact (at 75% and 50%) and the minimum and maximum value in each case may vary a little depending on the method used to arrive at these values. But it should provided good indication on what is to be expected.

