Dennis Bassboss
I would like to thank everybody here that helps and participate draw after draw in discussions to find some numbers...
A big thank you to all of you! You are helping me and others I'm sure! Keep up the good work...We have a core of very good players ...Beaker,Brad,Peter,Nick,Maggie,Irvin,tornc,Mon,Sheba,Gsobier,Luckystrike, and many many more ...
I have learned from your contributions still learning and I love you all!
I think that a major hit on this board by someone from our group is closer than ever!

A big thank you to all of you! You are helping me and others I'm sure! Keep up the good work...We have a core of very good players ...Beaker,Brad,Peter,Nick,Maggie,Irvin,tornc,Mon,Sheba,Gsobier,Luckystrike, and many many more ...
I have learned from your contributions still learning and I love you all!
I think that a major hit on this board by someone from our group is closer than ever!