Dennis - Where can I find more information on the ANNOUNCER
DOUBLE GRID , So I can better understand it !!
An advance DOUBLE THANKS !!!
I am sorry , I was not more a part of previous discussion, on last
6/49 draw. I ONLY Made , one initial entry, and faded out
of the picture. I intended to do more and hope to
contribute more , in the future.
I noticed that LT , had three numbers come up in his number
set grid, which I think is still HOT !!!
I actually had more success playing SUPER 7 This past week.
I had 4 numbers out of seven , on two tickets.
one ticket, I had, numbers 21, 26, 33, 45
another ticket had 1, 6, 26,33.
I was playing more of shot in the dark, and was trying to pick
consistent numbers that have kept coming up, WELL ALMOST!
Anyway , enough of SUPER 7, this is not what this thread is
Meanwhile, back to topic 6/49 draw...
The number I still like for the next draw, is still 25, I feel very
strongly this number will appear. WATCH For 29 , as well.
From the draw, previous to last, 36 could be there.
From most recent draws, I think the 39,40 and 48 or 49 will
very definitely show up. I agree with DENNIS about the
number 45 ( I will certainly put down, a couple of tickets with
45 in it- but it will likely appear the next draw or two.)
I think the number 30 will repeat. I have a feeling that maybe
more than one number will repeat for this draw.
I kinda like the 11 number.
I think the number 1 is definitely high on the charts for coming
up , on this draw. I think the same on the number 19.
I think for the immediate next few draws ( 5-6) that we are
going to get a lot of numbers, that have had previous recent
success, within the last 8 draws.
Forget , what I said about the 30-39 number range. last draw
discussion, From what I can see, Most of you ignored it anyway,
to your benefit.
Of the numbers OVERDO to appear , obviously I like 32, and
33 to come up within the next few draws (2-3).
14 is number coming in to the picture, soon as well.
I figured , that after the number 16 had the long drought of
NOT appearing, that it will Now show up more consistently.
As mentioned earlier, the number range 10-19 is really
suffering, ( but making it easier for predicting) and I would
hope that it is due to breakout of it's docile stage SOON.
I was going to bring some other observance of mine into
this discussion, but I will do it later, maybe tomorrow,
as I think I have already got enough entered in this Post.
Strong number set I like, for this draw:
1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45, 46, 48,49.
I will try and cut this down to 20 numbers tomorrow.
KEEP up the SUPER INFORMATION Posts that all players
seem to be addicted to. IT'S GREAT !
I think you will see SEVERAL BIG WINNERS , REAL SOON