6/49 Discussion For September 3, 2003


Here is what my program says:
(either four, three, or five most of the time from here) :agree:
01 03 05 07 08 09
12 14 15 16 18 19
20 22 23 24 26 28
29 32 33 34 35 36
40 42 44 45 47 48

No more than three from here is most likely:
(1 was here, in the last draw) :agree:
02 04 06 10 11 13
17 21 25 27 30 31
37 38 39 41 43 46

For the last 1000 draws, we had the following results:
4 and 2: 338
3 and 3: 264
5 and 1: 236
2 and 4: 086
6 and 0: 051
1 and 5: 022
0 and 6: 003

Good luck to all players:agree2:!



Well, I think 47 is done it's run (fingies crossed) so I'm swapping it to 43, I've lost faith in 01 and 26 - so I'm bumping them to 02-27, soooo,....


Re: Why Not Try 12?

bellcurve said:
12 has been following 11 like a puppy. Hard to ignore. Same for 46 after 47.

Using LottoStatisticsXL function
What Comes... After

A. for the last 100 draws:
What Comes AFTER... 11 having... 1-1 Hits There are: 14 Cases
Results Freq Sz NBs...
11_1_1_111____1_11__1_1_1__2___ 5 3 242629
112__1111_11_211__11_2_1___21_2 4 4 12374748
_11222_2__11_2_11211_12_111_222 3 7 02030614323343
1212322332332232223353132412322 2 18 010508091618222730343536384041454649
2222111_212141122111_1122_2112_ 1 10 04071019202125283139
1_1_1_2__2_11_111111__21122__1_ 0 6 131517234244

24,26,29 have come 5 times
12 has followed 11 only 4 times

for the last 500 draws
What Comes AFTER... 11 having... 1-1 Hits There are: 82 Cases
Results Freq Sz NBs...
__1_1__1__11_2___1___1_____1_1_ 18 2 1214
_1__1_____1___1__1__1_1___1__1_ 17 2 2632
__1____2_______1_11_1______1_1_ 16 2 2446
112__22_2_22111___1____111_12_1 15 4 25274047
_1_111_____1__1___11___11__1_12 14 4 36384345
1113_11212__22112__2_11212_2213 13 7 02030620293744
_2_1___111_111_11__111_111_1___ 12 4 08091016
1__1121_1_2_2____11_1_2___2_1__ 11 5 1719223334
__1_1_11_2_____1_1_1___1_11____ 10 4 30314249
3__111____11_111__1_13__111____ 9 6 051828394148
______________11211_11_1____1__ 8 2 0435
_11_____21_11_112112__2_211_11_ 7 5 0107131521
____1_1_______________1______1_ 5 1 23

12 & 14 have come 18 times

for the total history
What Comes AFTER... 11 having... 1-1 Hits There are: 276 Cases
Results Freq Sz NBs...
_1____________1__1__1_1________ 53 1 26
____1___1_11___________1111_11_ 51 2 2732
_1_____________________1_____11 49 1 38
_11__11_1__1______1________11_1 48 1 47
__2_1__2__11_2_1_21_11_____1_2_ 46 3 121446
1__21_____1___1___________1___1 45 2 3945
1_1_______1_11_________________ 44 1 25
__111_1__11_2__1_1____11___1_1_ 43 4 20313442
_______2_1_1111___12___2_1_2__1 42 4 24363744
______1__1_______________11____ 41 1 30
1____21_1_11__2_111_11__1______ 40 4 21404143
_1_______1_1_1__________21_____ 39 2 0510
_1_111__1_1_1_______1__1_1111__ 38 4 16192228
_1__1_11________1_____1______11 37 2 0323
2__1_11________1_111_11___1_1__ 36 4 02173348
_______2____1__1___2___________ 34 2 0949
_11_____11_11_1____2__1_1_1_11_ 33 3 010715
________________11__1_______1__ 32 1 35
1_12_1__11___1122_1__21111_11_1 31 3 040629
____11__1____1__1___12_________ 30 2 0818
_______________11_1___1_11_____ 29 1 13

26 is the most frequent with 53 apperances.

For the 47

What Comes AFTER... 47 having... 1-1 Hits There are: 332 Cases
Results Freq Sz NBs...
___1_1___________11___1________ 58 1 33
____1__1__1________1______1__1_ 57 2 3249
1__1_1__11______1_______1__1___ 56 1 29
_111___1_______1_11_1__1_1_1_1_ 55 2 1646
___111____1_1_1_______1_1_____1 53 3 344345
_11_____1_1__31_11__221_11_1___ 52 4 05081226
__211________1_2_____111_1__1_1 51 2 0631
12_1_13212__4__11__21_1_1131122 50 7 03070911192030
1__11__1_11111___1_____1_11__1_ 49 3 143944
1___111_________11__11____1_1__ 48 3 171835
____111_1_2___1_____1__________ 45 2 2240
__1_____11_2__111_11__11221_2__ 44 4 01131527
1______1_1_1_12__11211_1____1_1 43 4 02374142
_1_____________________1_____11 42 1 38
111______11111__________1______ 41 2 1025
_______________________________ 40 1 28
____1_1_______111_1__111_____1_ 39 2 0423
___________1______11_______1___ 38 1 36
1______1_______1_____1_____1___ 37 2 2448
________1_______11_____________ 32 1 21

33, 32 & 49 are the most frequent.

What Comes AFTER... 1147 having... 2-2 Hits There are: 32 Cases
Results Freq Sz NBs...
_1_______1____1__2__1_1________ 8 2 2642
1_211__3__2112_2_21111____11_2_ 7 5 0912143946
11112_111112__312_21211_122___2 6 7 03131522304145
12_11211_1_2_____122_1111_11_11 5 7 10171833363849
222122114131332221_212153311121 4 13 07081621252731323740434448
__12_11___1_311221111221_111411 3 8 0204061920283435
1__1111112___1__1_____1_21_211_ 2 5 0105232429

If you learn to use LottoStatisticsXL
you will be able to make claims that are
accurate, informative and valuable.

LottoStatisticsXL is free to use.


Thanks For the Advice

Thanks for passing on the free system. I 'll reccommend it to a friend who will find it very useful.
As for me, I don't care about the last 500 draws.
That was then, this is now, is how I tend to look at these types of numbers.
Fractally rather than numerically.
Time will tell what came this time.
Re: Thanks For the Advice

bellcurve said:
Thanks for passing on the free system. I 'll reccommend it to a friend who will find it very useful.
As for me, I don't care about the last 500 draws.
That was then, this is now, is how I tend to look at these types of numbers.
Fractally rather than numerically.
Time will tell what came this time.

Hi bellcurve,

You should have mention the number of
last draws you used in your analysis.

The program can be a very valable tool
because takes the hard work away from
the user. It provides accurate information which can be translated into $$ if your query is correct.



I couldn't agree with you more , Nick, about the potential of a program like the LottoStatistics XL, and I have yet to explore all it can do.

The problem with long term number histories are that the cyclical nature of chance phenomenon gurantees at some point that which was on the ascent will become on the descent.

Nothing was mentioned in your data about what cycle min / max are for specific numbers following others. Sure 32 may have followed 44 more times than any other number in the last 500 draws, but if 44 appearances ties a record for the most followings, now I have to bet on a phenomenonal event--a new record if it hits the next time. I don't prefer to bet on phenomenal events, but stick closer to the center of the....bell curve.



[COLOR=sky blue]I like the 9 and 25 to go with my best bet of the 11 to repeat! [/COLOR]

[COLOR=sky blue]Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~ ™ Good Luck![/color]


Wonder where Beaker is, hope all is ok with him. Or maybe he's having a great vacation somewhere. And if that's the case, lucky guy!! :)



:eek:I hope he is fine too... ...on the other hand, did he get permission from us to be away?:lol:

Maggie said:
Wonder where Beaker is, hope all is ok with him. Or maybe he's having a great vacation somewhere. And if that's the case, lucky guy!! :)


LottoStatisticXL: How To Use

Nick, I didn't realize until I found time this evening to take a better look at LSXL what you are its author. Kudos to you for a totally wonderfully analysis tool.

My problem is I got as far as finding a 649 database, but before I knew it, I couldn no longer find it anywhere. I don't know how to upload a game database, even though the instructions say: use Load Data Base button.

Where do I find the 649 database and how to I upload it?
Are there more detailed instructions on how to use this device?
Okay, call me a dummy, mea culpa, but I would certainly like to learn how to drive this lotto rocket because I can see its great usefulness.


Re: LottoStatisticXL: How To Use

bellcurve said:
Nick, I didn't realize until I found time this evening to take a better look at LSXL what you are its author. Kudos to you for a totally wonderfully analysis tool.

My problem is I got as far as finding a 649 database, but before I knew it, I couldn no longer find it anywhere. I don't know how to upload a game database, even though the instructions say: use Load Data Base button.

Where do I find the 649 database and how to I upload it?
Are there more detailed instructions on how to use this device?
Okay, call me a dummy, mea culpa, but I would certainly like to learn how to drive this lotto rocket because I can see its great usefulness.



Hi BellCurve, (a very much appropriate name for this board)

The Web Site of the software is:

You can always download the latest version there.
At the bottom of the page are some databases to use

The steps to follow are:
First create a Directory on your Drive to store the program
This will be your working directory with all the databases to use.

Go to the above web site.
Download the program
Right Click the mouse and select "Save Link Target As..."
when you place the mouse over "Download the latest version"
When the save as dialog appears find the directory
you created above and then Click Save.

The same step you follow for any database you want to use
that are listed on the web site

When you have done that the Open MS Excel and load the program.

The buttons of the program will direct you where you wish to go from there.





2 / 4 - 1 2 6 7 12 13 14 15 20 25 27 28 31 35 47 48

1 / 2 - 3 4 5 12 14 25 26 41

1 / 3 - 2 17 22 24 48 49 25

1 / 2 - 28 40 42 49 48 18

1 / 2 - 4 26 31 33 5 43

Last edited:


Nick - program

Hi Nick
Downloaded your program - lots there and just getting acquainted - I imported 649 database and I think I saved it but I seem to be defaulting to 647.
Can I delete 647 database and open with 649 database. Answer is probably there in your fine program but there is so much to examine in a program like this.
Re: Nick - program

thenrifi said:
Hi Nick
Downloaded your program - lots there and just getting acquainted - I imported 649 database and I think I saved it but I seem to be defaulting to 647.
Can I delete 647 database and open with 649 database. Answer is probably there in your fine program but there is so much to examine in a program like this.

Hi thenrifi,

In the DataBase sheet there is
a Spinner, so if you want to include
the Last Column of data you do not change the Spinner, otherwise reduce
the number from 7 to 6. So now, for all the tests, the bonus number or the Last Column of data is not included.


Thanks Nick

And you have the name of one of the alltime greatest genius inventors--Nicolas Tesla.

Thanks for the instructions. I have no XL experience to speak of, but my friend is familiar with it from work.

However, I also have a friend or two, not even counting myself, who track the Lotto pretty seriously, and a super cyber beancounter like the LottoStatisticsXL is ESSENTIAL to any serious work along the many lines one might pursue in chasing the elusive Beast 649.

I'm heading into my busy time of the week, but I will be trying to get the LSXL up and running ASAP.

We've been hoping to find someone for a long time who has both the skill at XL design and an avid interest in the lotto to create such programs as the LSXL contains.

_[]_ bellcurve

