6/49 Discussion For August 09, 2003


Here is what my program says:
(either four, three, or five most of the time from here) :agree:
02 03 04 05 07 08
09 11 12 14 17 19
20 22 24 26 29 30
31 34 37 38 39 40
43 44 45 46 47 49

No more than three from here is most likely:
(2 were here, in the last draw)
01 06 10 13 15 16
18 21 23 25 27 28
32 33 35 36 41 42

For the last 1000 draws, we had the following results:
4 and 2: 337
3 and 3: 262
5 and 1: 238
2 and 4: 088
6 and 0: 050
1 and 5: 022
0 and 6: 003

Good luck to all players:agree2:!



Thanks for that post George :agree2: I always look at that to get me into the ball park.

Just looking at my decade announcer thingy.

Rough Ride Ahead :rolling:

Some weird draws are coming starting with the next.

Count on 2-decades missing - should be 1's and 30's :agree:
One thing to consider here....
This one calls up for..
01-02-06-14-17-26 and
04-16-31-44 calls up for..
But on an announcers stand point....
Both likes the 20....and the high draws....
:agree: :clown: :agree2: :eek:



You're very welcome buddy:).

All I can say is... :uzi::cow:. Missing decades is always what I figure we will get most of the time:agree:.


Beaker said:
Thanks for that post George :agree2: I always look at that to get me into the ball park.

Just looking at my decade announcer thingy.

Rough Ride Ahead :rolling:

Some weird draws are coming starting with the next.

Count on 2-decades missing - should be 1's and 30's :agree:


Dennis Bassboss said:
One thing to consider here....
This one calls up for..
01-02-06-14-17-26 and
04-16-31-44 calls up for..
But on an announcers stand point....
Both likes the 20....and the high draws....
:agree: :clown: :agree2: :eek:
Quite afew quads from the last draw.

The number I see alot here is that 11

Beaker said:
Thanks for that post George :agree2: I always look at that to get me into the ball park.

Just looking at my decade announcer thingy.

Rough Ride Ahead :rolling:

Some weird draws are coming starting with the next.

Count on 2-decades missing - should be 1's and 30's :agree:

:agree: ON THE 1's BUT I THINK 30's WILL HAVE A COUPLE..:rolleyes:

luckystrike said:


CASANOVA... :lol:
I'm just waiting to see that great shift in the draws.... And Bammmmmm!That bug won't bug me anymore... :no:
Dennis Bassboss said:
One thing to consider here....
This one calls up for..
01-02-06-14-17-26 and
04-16-31-44 calls up for..
But on an announcers stand point....
Both likes the 20....and the high draws....
:agree: :clown: :agree2: :eek:

A different point of view:

What Comes AFTER 04273144 Has 2-4 correct?
There are 169 such cases with the following Frequency Distribution:

Results Freq Sz NBs...
_________________________11____ 31 1 36
__1_________1______1______1____ 29 2 0219
1________________1___________1_ 28 1 34
__1_____11_112____1______1___1_ 26 2 2347
1__1__1___11__1______11_1__1___ 25 2 4546
_1__11_1__1__1__1__1_______1___ 24 2 1120
_____1________1________________ 23 1 24
_1_11__1111______1_11_111__11_1 22 4 16253548
_111_11_12___112111111_11_3_1__ 21 6 071215213049
2_1_2_1_1_111_11__112_1121___11 20 6 080914333843
_1_1__1_1__1__2111__11____11__1 19 4 01032237
2_2__2_2_12_21_122____22_1__12_ 18 6 061329394042
________1__11_____1__1__1__111_ 17 3 101826
_1_1_111__________1_11___1_11__ 15 3 053241
_1_____1_____1_________________ 14 1 17
____1__________________________ 8 1 28

1. The most noticeable number is that 28 has come only 8 times
Far below the average of all others.
Shall be considered!

2. We shall expect 1 number min. from the upper tail ie: 36,2,19,34
3. We shall expect 1 number min. from the lower tail ie: 28,17,5,32,41

What Comes AFTER 04163144 Has 2-4 correct?
There are 148 such cases with the following Frequency Distribution:

Results Freq Sz NBs...
_________1_11____1_11_______1__ 26 2 1825
1______1___1____1_1_1___1__1___ 25 2 1114
____1__1______________1_____1__ 24 1 48
1________________1_______11__1_ 23 2 3436
___1_____1_______1__1_____1_1__ 22 2 0212
___________1_111_______11_1__1_ 21 3 212349
__1_____11__11____1______1_____ 20 1 47
112_111_112__1_1___2__1___1_11_ 19 3 060720
_3212__11_1_22211__11_1121_1_1_ 18 8 0308171930334346
1_1__2_1_11_2112112__1_1__1___1 17 5 1524272940
_1_1___21_______111__2_121_311_ 16 5 0126353941
11___12___11____1_1__1_________ 15 4 10324245
___2_21_______1_____2111_11__11 14 3 051337
______1_1_____________________1 13 1 38
1___1_________1____1__1________ 11 2 0928
___________1___1_1_________1___ 10 1 22

Intersecting all the tails of the two distributions we have

I shall be confident that at least one of these numbers will come!
Hi Dennis,

Let assume that from 5,28,34,36, 1 min. will come


What Comes BEFORE 34362805 has 1-4 numbers
There are 686 such cases:

Results Freq Sz NBs...
_1____1________________________ 124 1 32
_______________1__1___________1 123 1 27
___1_____1_1__________________1 120 1 31
_1_1________11___1_____11__1___ 119 2 3540
_11_21____1__1_____1___________ 118 2 2043
__21___111__211___21_11_12_21__ 116 4 19414647
______1_________1__1___________ 114 1 44
_______________11___1__1_______ 111 2 0108
___1_____1_____1_1__1__11___1__ 109 2 1221
_____1_____1_1__1____________1_ 108 2 2342
1_1___2_1_11___1___1_1____1____ 107 2 0745
1_______1_11__1___1_1___1_2___1 106 4 02141649
1_1_2___112_1________22122_1231 105 4 04062633
11___________11_1__1__1________ 104 2 0930
___1__2_1_____1_____11____1___2 101 2 3738
1_1__1_1_11_1__11_1__1_1__1____ 100 2 1529
_1_____1_____1_________________ 98 1 17
_____1___1_21__1_2_11_11_1_111_ 97 4 13182225
____1__1__________1___1_____1__ 94 2 1048
_______1_________1_____________ 90 1 39
_____1________1________________ 89 1 24
_1______1_____1________________ 88 1 03
_______1________1__________1___ 86 1 11

We will notice that the upper tail does include at least 2 very good indicator
that from 5,28,34,36, at least one will come
These are 27 and 31 and generally all 6 numbers of the last draw belong to the middle
and upper part of the frequency distribution
Maggie said:
LD 0's should be on their way now. :)

I do agree with this assumption.

If we ask the question...

What Comes BEFORE 10203040 has 1 min
There 872 such cases:

Results Freq Sz NBs...
___1_____1_1__________________1 135 1 31
________________1______________ 131 1 01
_______________1__1___________1 130 1 27
1________________1___________1_ 121 1 34
_____1__________1______________ 119 1 42
__1_____11__11____1______1_____ 118 1 47
1_1___1___111______1_1_________ 117 2 1945
_11_1_1________________________ 116 2 3243
__1___1_2_1____2___11__1__1___1 115 3 070816
____1________________111_1__1_1 111 1 04
111____11_1_1_111______1_______ 110 2 0329
1__________1______1_1___111____ 109 2 1436
______1_1_____________________1 108 1 38
_______________1_______11______ 107 1 21
____1__1_________1_____________ 106 2 2839
___1_1______________1__________ 105 1 05
_________1_______1_11__________ 104 1 25
______________1___________1____ 103 1 49
_____11__1______1_11_1____1____ 102 2 1544
1_______1__1__11_1_1_11_1__2_1_ 101 3 092226
_1_11__1___1_1________111__111_ 100 3 233548
1_12__11_1111_2___1_122_1112311 99 5 0618374146
_1___1_1_____11________________ 98 2 1724
___1_____1_______1__1_______1__ 96 1 12
____1_____1_1___________111__1_ 92 2 0233
_____1_1________1_____11_1_1_1_ 91 2 1113

We will notice that at least 5 of the 6 numbers belong to
the upper part of such distribution 31,27,16,4, and 38 are
very good indicators that at least one number in 0 shall
show up on the next Draw!

If we use the best Top 6 as indicator we will see that
31,1,27,34,42 and 47 indicate that:

What Comes AFTER 310127344247 have 2-6
Results Freq Sz NBs...
_1__11____1__1_____1___________ 67 1 20
______1_________1__1___________ 57 1 44
___1__________1_______1_1__1___ 54 1 46
__1_1_____________________1____ 53 2 0243
1_1______11___________1_____11_ 52 1 06
_1_1__________1________11_11___ 51 2 3549
____________11___1_____________ 50 1 40
_______________1____1__1_______ 47 1 08
1_____________1____1__1________ 46 1 09
_1_____11_____1__1_____________ 45 2 0339
_211_21__1__11__1_1111____1____ 44 5 0515193032
1_1__1_1_11_1_1111_11__1_______ 43 3 242529
__11__2_1_____11__1111____2___1 42 3 071037
_1_____1_____1_________________ 41 1 17
___1____11_______1__11__1__111_ 40 2 1226
1___1_1_1_111_____1_1___21___11 39 3 143338
1_____1___11_________1_________ 38 1 45
____11_11_1____1__1__2231411212 37 6 041316213641
___________1___1_1_________1___ 35 1 22
____1__________________________ 34 1 28
_______1___1_1__1__________1_1_ 33 2 1123
____1__1___11_________1_____2__ 32 2 1848

So 20 is the most Frequent followed by 40,30 and last the 10

We shall notice that 44,46,2,43 are frequent candidates and
18,48,11,23,28 have lag
So the 20 is also in the air here according to Nick Koutras analyzis....like I said......This should take care of Luckystrikes question... :lol:
Hopefully Casanova will catch baracuda in Bermuda in pyjama drinking tequilla...After the draw... :lol: :agree2:


COLD drink for summer

Last time I predicted cold numbers and 4 cold numbers came.
What about this time?
I think Cold numbers will still come. Good for summer.
am I right?

